Sykes - Success for country taxis
The Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, is very pleased with the commitments made by Carlo Carli, Parliamentary Secretary responsible for taxis, to take immediate action to ensure the continued viability of country taxis.
Mr Carli visited Myrtleford and met with Myrtleford taxi operators Rebecca and Lynton Wilson and Bright operators Marg and Jerry Wilson. Later Mr Carli met with David O’Donoghue, Benalla Taxis, Alan Bembrose, Shepparton Taxis and Ken MacKay, Kyabram Taxis.
At the meetings arranged by Dr Sykes, Mr Carli demonstrated a good understanding of the issues and his commitment to ensuring ongoing taxi services in country Victoria, in order to enable our disabled and frail elderly attend medical appointments and participate in community activities.
Mr Carli made the following key commitments for immediate action:
- Encouraging increased use of the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program – as many legitimate users made severe cut backs to their taxi usage when the Government placed a cap of $550 on taxi subsidies. This cap has now been lifted to $1,000;
- Encouraging greater use of taxis in community transport arrangements in recognition that community cars and buses may not always be the most economically efficient manner of providing public transport;
- Favourably considering requests for flexible hours of service by taxi operators in small communities, thereby allowing a reduction in operating costs; and
- Assisting with the cost of purchasing wheelchair accessible taxis (which cost $90,000, compared with $30,000 for a standard taxi). This will ensure better services for people who are in wheelchairs.
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