RCoW August Council Meeting Agenda
The First item is a petition to be tabled signed by 24 people to slow down the traffic. If 5,600 signatures on the demolition of the town hall fail to impress the council, how will the other petition fare.
The major item of this meeting is the delegation of authority by the council to the CEO and council officers. When almost all authority has been turned over to administative officers, is it any wonder we see our council as the bureaucratic arm of the state. The business papers can be downloaded here PETITION - PROVISION OF SPEED HUMPS OR OTHER METHODS TO SLOW DOWN TRAFFIC IN HAMILTON CRES, WANGARATTA
Hamilton Crescent, Wangaratta 13200
A petition/joint letter containing some 24 signatures from residents of Hamilton
Crescent and one resident from Tone Road has been received requesting Council to consider the provision of speed humps or other methods to slow down traffic in Hamilton Crescent, Wangaratta.
That the petition regarding the provision of speed humps or other methods to slow down traffic in Hamilton Crescent, Wangaratta be received and a report about the issues raised be considered at Council’s September meeting. PETITION – AGAINST THE DEMOLITION OF THE MEMORIAL TOWN HALL, FORD STREET, WANGARATTA
33-37 Ford St, Wangaratta – Town Hall 312590.1000
Doc ID: 252289
A petition/joint letter containing approximately 5,600 signatures has been received opposing the demolition of the Memorial Town Hall, Ford Street, Wangaratta.
That the petition opposing the demolition of the Memorial Town Hall, Ford Street, Wangaratta be received and a report about the issues raised be considered at Council’s September meeting. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UNIT REPORT
That the report be noted. DELEGATIONS
Deed of Delegation 50.010.003
To enable the effective functioning of Local Government operations, the Council has delegated various powers to the Chief Executive Officer and other officers. The necessary authorities (subject to relevant limitations and reporting requirements) are contained in three Instruments of Delegation. The delegations are from:
· Council to Chief Executive Officer
· Council to members of staff
· Chief Executive Officer to members of staff
A) That in the exercise of the powers conferred by section 98(1) of the Local Government Act 1989 ("the Act") and the other legislation referred to in the attached Instrument of Delegation by Council to the Chief Executive Officer (“the nstrument”), the Wangaratta Rural City Council ("Council") RESOLVES THAT:
- 1. There be delegated to the person holding the position, acting in or performing the duties of Chief Executive Officer the powers, duties and functions set out in the attached Instrument of Delegation by Council to the Chief Executive Officer, subject to the conditions and limitations specified in that Instrument.
- 2. The Instrument comes into force immediately the common seal of Council is affixed to the Instrument.
- 3. On the coming into force of the Instrument all previous delegations to the Chief Executive Officer are revoked.
- 4. The duties and functions set out in the Instrument must be performed, and the powers set out in the Instrument must be executed, in accordance with any guidelines or policies of Council that it may from time to time adopt.
- 5. It is noted that the Instrument includes a power of delegation to members of Council staff, in accordance with section 98(3) of the Act.
- 6. The Instrument of Delegation be signed and sealed by Council at the appropriate stage of the meeting.
B) That in the exercise of the powers conferred by section 98 (1) of the Local Government Act 1989 (“the Act”) and the other legislation referred to in the attached Instrument of Delegation by Council to Members of Council Staff (“the Instrument”), the Wangaratta Rural City Council ("Council") RESOLVES THAT:
- 1. There be delegated to the members of Council staff holding, acting in or performing the duties of the offices or positions referred to in the attached Instrument of Delegation by Council to members of Council staff, the powers, duties and functions set out in that instrument, subject to the conditions and limitations
specified in that Instrument. - 2. The instrument comes into force immediately the common seal of Council is affixed to the instrument.
- 3. On the coming into force of the instrument all previous delegations to members of Council staff (other than to the Chief Executive Officer) are revoked.
- 4. The duties and functions set out in the Instrument must be performed and the powers set out in the Instrument must be executed, in accordance with any guidelines or policies of Council that it may from time to time adopt.
- 5. The Instrument of Delegation be signed and sealed by Council at the appropriate stage of the meeting.
C. That the instrument of Sub-Delegation from the Chief Executive Officer to Council Staff be noted.
D. That it be recorded that Council considers that the review of delegations, required by Section 98(6) of the Local Government Act, has now been conducted. SPORT AND RECREATION VICTORIA’S 2007/2008 COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUNDING
Sport and Recreation Issues 61.010.001
The Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) 2007/2008 Community Facilities Funding (CFF) program is anticipated to be open to receive applications in October 2006. The aim of the CFF is to provide support for facility developments and capital improvements that will have a positive effect on active sport and recreation participation.
That Council:
- 1. Establish a panel of 3 Councillors comprising the Mayor, Recreation Portfolio holder and one other (to be determined) to meet the week of 21 August 2006 to determine Rural City of Wangaratta’s priorities under the Minor Facilities program; and
- 2. Endorse the re-submission of an application under the Planning category for the Rural Recreation Reserves strategic and master planning project.
Sport and Recreation Issues 61.010.001
The Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) 2007/2008 Country Football Netball Program (CFNP) is open to receive applications for 2006/ 2007. The aim of the CFNP is to provide support towards facility developments and capital improvements that will have a positive effect on active participation within football and netball.
That the Country Football/Netball Program be assessed in line with the process and timing of the Sport and Recreation Victoria’s Community Facilities Funding Program by the panel established in item FREEZA PROGRAM FUNDING 2007
Youth Entertainment 63.010.016
Since January 2006 Council has been the provider of the “FReeZA” program which aims to at provide drug and alcohol free entertainment for young people. A significant objective of the program is to support young people to be involved in the organising of events.
The program is funded through the Department for Victorian Communities (DVC) on a year to year basis. The funding provides for wages to employ a part time program coordinator and some event costs. Other costs are recouped via entry charges and sponsorships/donations.
The FReeZA program has been steadily growing stronger over the past months with greater numbers of young people attending the events and an enthusiastic and committed group of young people assisting with the organisation of these events.
That Council continue to auspice the FReeZA program and make application for funding to the Department for Victorian Communities. CULTURAL SERVICES REPORT JUNE/JULY 2006
Recommendation: That the report be noted. SPORT & RECREATION UPDATE
Recommendation: That the report be noted. COMMUNITY GRANTS – DISCRETIONARY FUNDS
Community Grants 68.040.001
Yarrunga Primary School recently launched its Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. Yarrunga Primary School was selected from 55 schools across the state by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation.
The Yarrunga Kitchen Garden Program will :
· Introduce children to a wide range of foods
· Increase the children’s self esteem as the result of their labours are praised by
their classmates
· Teach children a wide range of cooking skills
· Teach children how to establish and maintain a garden organically
· Help children understand the connection between care in the garden, flavour
on the plate and a healthy plant
· Teach children how to take responsibility for their own physical well being
The school encourages the local community to share in the development of this project from the building of the kitchen and garden to the long term support of the Program.
The program has gained support from the Sidney Myer Foundation, a partnership with The Centre, the sponsorship and in-kind support from business and community groups.
Council was represented at the Kitchen Garden Program launch. The launch promoted the benefits of the community project and also sought sponsorship from the invited groups.
That Council contribute $400 to the Yarrunga Primary School towards the
implementation of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATION 06-025 – CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING – 1202 WANGARATTA ELDORADO ROAD,ELDORADO
That Planning Permit Application No. 06-025 for the construction of a dwelling on CA X, Section A, Parish of Tarrawingee, Wangaratta Eldorado Rd, Eldorado, be refused on the following grounds:
1. The proposal is inconsistent with the objectives and decision guidelines
of the Rural Zone and the Farming Zone.
2. The proposal is inconsistent with the objectives and decision guidelines
of the existing clause 22.04 Rural Dwellings Policy and the new clause
22.01-1 Housing and Sheds in Rural Areas policy.
3. The applicant has not demonstrated a need for a dwelling to directly
support the continuing operation of an existing rural use conducted on
the land.
4. The proposed use and development is incompatible with the existing
and adjoining rural land uses.
5. The proposed use and development takes high quality agricultural land
Road naming 73.020.014
Council has received a request to assign an address to the Christopher Robin Preschool. The request was made by the Preschool Committee and supported by the CFA for emergency purposes.
The Preschool is situated on Council land adjacent to crown land (Merriwa Park). The Preschool is accessed from a court leading off Ely Street which is on crown land. The Crown Land Manager (Department of Sustainability and Environment) has been informed and has no objection to naming the court. The Preschool Committee suggested the name Christopher Robin Place.
1. That Council advertise its intention, and call for submissions on its proposal, to name the unnamed court at the east end of Ely Street as Corroboree Place.
2. That this matter, including submissions received, be referred to the Place Names Committee for assessment and recommendation to Council. REQUEST TO COMMEMORATE WAR SERVICE BY BOORHAMAN COMMUNITY MEMBERS
Commemorative Plaques & Other Markers 83.140.003
Council has recently received a request to commemorate past service of members of the Wangaratta sub branch of the Australian Legion of Exservicemen and Women. The Legion draws its membership from all servicemen and women who served overseas and in Australia. The sub branch president has requested permission to erect a memorial plaque placed on a rock to commemorate the servicemen and women from the Boorhaman area.
The plaque would commemorate twelve soldiers and a nurse who were enlisted in World War 1 from the area. All thirteen attended the Dockers Plains School. The Australian Legion of Ex-servicemen and Women has endorsed the proposal and granted $800 towards the plaque. The local sub branch will fund and arrange the installation of the memorial.
Council’s policy ‘Commemorative Plaques and Other Markers’ determines the type and location of commemorative markers placed in areas controlled by Council. In October 2004, Council amended the policy to allow commemorative for a service club or organisation. The policy states that a memorial plaque can be used to recognise distinguished service.
Following ‘in principle’ approval by Council, the proposal will be publicly advertised to seek public comment. Past experience has shown this to be an essential step to ensure that no significant public objection exists and the Council’s endorsement of the public commemoration is acceptable to the community. The final approval of the proposal is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer.
1. That the request for commemoration from the sub branch of the Australian Legion of Ex-servicemen and Women be given ‘in-principle’ approval for a memorial in McDonalds Road, Boorhaman.
2. That this request be publicly advertised seeking public comments for a period of fourteen days.
3. That in accordance with Council policy, the Chief Executive Officer be delegated the final decision on this request, taking into account any public submissions. OVENS RIVER/FAITHFULL STREET PROJECT – BANK STABILISATION WORKS
Ovens River/Faithfull Street project 25.010.010
Council, at its meeting in September 2005 considered a report about the project and resolved:
"1. That for Contract C0506/009 Council decline to accept any tender for the construction of Ovens River Boardwalk project (rescoped).
2. That Council favourably consider an alternative proposal to be undertaken in-house and with the successful tenderer for the Faithfull Street project and that the State Regional Infrastructure Development Fund manager be advised of Council’s action and reasons for such action.
3. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to have detailed design and construction undertaken for the alternative proposal for Ovens River/Faithfull Street as a matter of urgency.” See attached map of the area (refer attachment).
Since that time the detailed design and construction of Faithfull Street has been undertaken, and the detailed design to stabilise the embankment and to landscape and revegetate the Ovens River frontage has been completed. The works for the Ovens River bank is about to commence; discussions and negotiations recently finalised with the landowners affected.
That the convenor of the jointly signed letter opposing the plans to ‘abolish off street carparking’ on crown land near the corner of Faithfull Street and Parfitt Road, Wangaratta be advised that Council has considered the concerns expressed and is satisfied that adequate other provision for parking and delivery is available to allow for the project to beautify the river frontage. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT
Recommendation: That the report be noted. RECENT VCAT DECISIONS FOR PLANNING APPLICATIONS
That Mr Graham Kerr and Mr Brendan Schutt be appointed by Council as the community based representatives on the Audit Advisory Committee for the period July 2006 to June 2009. ARTS AND CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHARTER
That Council endorse the revised August 2006 Arts and Culture Advisory Committee Charter.
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