Sunday, January 14, 2007

Philip McGuire has his say on high plains grazing

WE'RE back from the high plains and we did what we said we would do.

Cattle from Mt Bundarrah Station returned to The Bogongs on January 10, 2007.

The media has described us as defiant cattlemen and Environment Minister, John Thwaites, claims we are breaking the law.

Nevertheless, we had a legal and moral right to take the action and if any laws have been broken it is by Parks Victoria and the Department of Sustainability and Environment.

If Mr Thwaites wants to take the matter further we encourage him to bring it on. By the time this summer of fire and discontent is over he might have more than Bundarrah cattle on the high plains to contend with.

We took our action for a number of reasons, initially because we had to the right to graze our runs this season. But just as importantly the cattle will play a vital role in protecting the high plains from wildfire as the country dries out by late summer. Thirdly, there is no feed in the home paddocks thanks to the drought and finally we are defending Australia's heritage and culture.

Mr Thwaites and his Premier, Mr Bracks, can rest assured that we are prepared to fight this battle right to the end, to the High Court if necessary.

The Government can't steal people's heritage, culture and traditions, their livelihood and the rights enjoyed by previous generations and expect them to lie down and accept it.

This summer has proven that the criminally negligent management of the Alpine National Park by the Bracks government is destroying both our cultural and environmental heritage. Historic Westons Hut on lake Spur burned down a couple of weeks ago and a number of native animals including the Long Footed Potaroo, Mountain Pygmy Possum, Spotted Quoll and the Green Tree Frog may well have taken their last steps toward extinction.

I have challenged Bracks and Thwaites to a public debate on their destructive management practices and my right to graze my licence areas this season. The lack of respose has been deafening. They will not even respond to letters from our solicitors.

It appears at this stage that the Government is exercising its right to remain silent.

A few pictures of our drove can be seen at

More will be added shortly. Click on the archives to see all the pics or you'll only see those most recently added.

We'd like to thank everyone who helped out on the day for their hard work and support.

Michael Sandy
Doug Treasure
Jim Coleman
Wendy Stoney
Ben Gazzardi
Sue Noble
Cathy Junor
Neville Wright
Ros Wright

Vehicle back-up
Bob Richardson
Peter Ellard

Bob and Peter did a fantastic job on the day handling media enquiries, manning the UHF radios, guiding in the ABC chopper and generally keeping the show on the road
13 January 2007, 9:24:05 AM | Philip Maguire


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