Thursday, June 28, 2007

Public rally against North-South Pipeline proposal

Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, has today called on local residents to voice their anger at the recent pipeline proposal announced by the Victorian Government by attending a public rally in Shepparton on Thursday 5 July at midday.

"Since the pipeline announcement, I have been holding regular discussions with my Federal Parliamentary colleagues, the Hon. Fran Bailey MP, Federal Member for McEwen and the Hon. Dr Sharman Stone MP, Federal Member for Murray," Mrs Mirabella said.

"We have joined forces and are facilitating a public rally in Shepparton for next Thursday 5 July 2007 at Queen's Gardens, Wyndham Street, Shepparton."

"Unfortunately, through this pipeline proposal, the Victorian Government has decreed that urban water consumption in Melbourne is more important than securing our water future in the north-east," Mrs Mirabella said.

"This rushed announcement has been taken without any economic, social or environmental analysis of the cost, benefit or regional impact of this pipeline proposal."

"Like many people in the north-east, I am deeply concerned about this proposal and its long-term consequences for our local communities," Mrs Mirabella said.

"The many people who have contacted me on this matter are disturbed about the effects this project will have on our towns, our tourist industries, the food bowl region, our local communities and the security of our rural irrigation and water supply systems into the future."

"Those of us in rural and regional areas of Victoria know from experience that the Bracks Government cannot be trusted on water policy," Mrs Mirabella said.

"Their decisions to take water from the high catchment farmers without compensation, and their decisions to drain Lake Mokoan and Honeysuckle Creek Reservoir are cases in point."

"The community are galvanising into action on this matter and we need to make a stand against this most recent proposal to strip us of our water security."

"I urge all residents of the north-east to join with me in Shepparton next Thursday to voice our shared discontent at this pipeline proposal. Please contact my office for any other details regarding the rally," Mrs Mirabella concluded.


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