Friday, July 20, 2007

GMW - Mokoan piping costs unknown

The Bracks Government’s mismanagement of the planned decommissioning of Lake Mokoan has reached another low with the statement this week that the costs of piping water to people who currently pump direct from Lake Mokoan “are yet to be determined”.

This is another example of either gross incompetence and/or ongoing deceit by GMW, DSE & GBCMA with the Mokoan Decommissioning Project.

This statement, in response to a request under the FOI Act, comes on the heels of two refusals to provide information on increased flood risks (reason given - terrorism risks) and several other refusals for reasons such as, “don’t have the time”; “don’t have the information”; or “not in the public interest”.

How can a Government agency justify its decision to decommission Lake Mokoan in preference to leaving it as is, or building a mini Lake Mokoan when it is clear that its original cost benefit estimates, which favoured decommissioning, were based on flawed and incomplete information?

It is particularly galling to be told that the Government doesn’t have this information at a time when they have been pressuring the advocates of Mini Mokoan to provide costings for exactly the same project so that their proposal can be considered as a possible alternative to decommissioning.

This is another example of unbelievable hypocrisy on the part of GMW and GBCMA & DSE.

This is not an isolated case. The Government’s estimated cost of rehabilitating the wetlands was $1 million. Further Government funded studies have calculated this to be between $24 million and $33 million!

I call on the Minister for Water to sack the Mokoan Decommissioning Project Team and others who have been party to flawed decisions and the associated withholding of information and deliberate peddling of half truths and lies.

I further call on the Government to listen to the local community and either leave the Lake as it is and make water savings by managing it as it was originally intended or implementing the Mini Lake Mokoan proposal developed by the local community.

Yours sincerely

Member for Benalla

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