Monday, August 6, 2007

ABC Heywire competition open to young people

The Federal Member for Indi, Sophie Mirabella, is encouraging local young people to participate in the tenth year of ABC’s Heywire initiative.

“This year, young people in North East Victoria can have their say about the things that are important to them using a variety of media,” said Mrs Mirabella.

ABC Radio Heywire is inviting people living in regional and rural Australia between 16 and 22 years of age to make a contribution in text, audio, pictures or video. Winning stories will be selected from each region and then produced and broadcast on ABC Radio, ABC Online or ABC TV.

Winners will then be invited to take part in a Youth Issues Forum in Canberra in February 2008.

“This is an opportunity for young people to have their say about things that they are passionate about – and an opportunity for other Australians to listen,” said Mrs Mirabella.

“The Howard Government is working constructively with the ABC to support this project through a variety of Government departments.”

“Entrants are able to find out more information by calling free call 1800 262 646, by email to or by visiting the Heywire website at”

“Entries are open until 7 September this year,” Mrs Mirabella said.

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