Sunday, October 21, 2007

Nats seek legislative guarantee on water replacement

The Nationals will continue to pressure the Brumby Government for a legislative guarantee that all water taken from private dams for fire fighting will be replaced at the cost of taxpayers.

Leader of The Nationals, Peter Ryan, said he was not satisfied with commitments from the Brumby Government that ‘critical water’ would be replaced this summer if it was taken for fire fighting purposes.

“Melbourne Labor Ministers are saying ‘trust us’ and quite frankly, when it comes to water, no-one in country Victoria has any one reason to believe promises from the Brumby Government,” Mr Ryan said.

“We all remember that this government ruled out taking water from north of the Great Dividing Range and ridiculed any talk of a desalination plant – now it is doing both despite widespread community opposition.

“There is a need for greater certainty in relation to compensation for taking water from private dams to fight fires – particularly since the major fires we are likely to experience are likely to originate from publicly owned land.”

The Nationals Spokesman for Police and Emergency Services, Bill Sykes, said legislation that was debated during the last sitting week of State Parliament has exposed further inconsistencies within the Brumby Government.

“We’ve had the Minister for Police making assurances that ‘critical water’ taken from stock and domestic dams will be replaced at the expense of the government. Critical water, being that which is essential for the well being of people and their animals – so this assurance will apply to only a small proportion of people whose water is taken to fight fires. The Minister for the Environment then told the Upper House that the government will compensate all landowners whose water is taken for use in DSE fire fighting operations,” Dr Sykes said.

“At the same time, we have different insurance companies adding to the confusion by offering different advice on whether water is covered by insurance policies.

“The bottom line is that if the government takes water for fire fighting, it should replace that water.

“Under the current proposals, Melbourne Labor Ministers are saying they will make up their minds each summer and if necessary, private landholders can claim any water losses on their insurance policies.

“If that system is allowed to develop, it’s only a matter of time before insurance companies increase the premiums for any landholder who lives near a public forest that is likely to catch fire in the future.

“The State Government must eliminate the inconsistencies and confusion and provide legislation that guarantees landholders that they will be compensated if water is taken from their properties for the fire fighting effort.

“It is highly unfair and discriminatory to expect country Victorians to pay for the protection of an asset that is owned by all taxpayers – our National Parks and State Forests.”

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