Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Whitfield community wish list

njtvcPublished by The Chroniclel - 23/07/2008. Archived 23/07/08

A CHILDREN’S playground, community centre and riverside walkway top the wish list for residents of Whitfield.

A meeting of about 45 community members was held at the Swinburne Pavilion on Sunday to discuss the future direction of the King Valley town.

Out of the landmark gathering came a list of 10 priorities, with a volunteer assigned to pursue each one.

Wendy Wilson from the Whitfield Recreation Reserve Committee of Management said there was strong support to establish a children’s playground for public use.

"There is a playground at the school but some parents don’t feel comfortable using it outside of school hours," she said.

"It was also suggested that the recreation reserve would be a good place to put it for families who go to watch the football on the weekends."

An upgrade of the Swinburne Pavilion and development of a communitycentre were also backed by the group, and follows a $23,000 State Government grant for the project in February.

The reserve committee was awarded the funding to undertake a feasibility study into a new community complex to provide a meeting place for the local community, as well as child care, kindergarten and health care services.

Ms Wilson said the meeting felt there was a need for other options in the town, including a place to hold events such as a winery expo.

Other actions identified by the group included:

• walkway along the King River;

• drainage/stormwater infrastructure;

• youth activities; and

• a sealed road between Whitfield and Myrrhee.

Ms Wilson said the meeting overall was a success, and provided community members with "some positive direction".

"People walked away feeling as though we have somewhere to go next and that there is a chance that we can achieve these things," she said.

A second community meeting is being organised for Sunday, August 10.

Original article available here until 25/07/08

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