Wangaratta's 2030 Vision
Source: Business Paper - ordinary meeting - Rural City of Wangaratta - August 2008 REVIEW OF 2030 COMMUNITY VISION
2030 Community Vision 20.030.007 REVIEW OF 2030 COMMUNITY VISION
2030 Community Vision 20.030.007
The Rural City of Wangaratta will face significant pressures over the coming years. To manage these pressures and to gain an understanding and a vision of how the community wants the Rural City of Wangaratta to look and feel in 20 – 25 years time, a review of the Rural City of Wangaratta 2030 Community Vision developed in 2005 has been undertaken.
Following the acceptance of the draft Rural City of Wangaratta 2030 Community Vision by Council on 20 May 2008, the draft vision document was placed on public exhibition for comment to ensure that it had captured community expectations and was reflective of community aspirations and opinion for the Rural City of Wangaratta over the next 20 – 25 years. The Rural City of Wangaratta 2030 Community Vision is now complete (refer attachment)
Eight key themes were established and a summary of how Wangaratta will be in the year 2030 are as follows:
Wangaratta, a premier liveable city
- The population of the Rural City of Wangaratta has grown to 40,000.
- Growth has occurred both in Wangaratta and the larger rural townships, and has largely been focussed in existing residential areas.
- Wangaratta is a thriving regional centre, renowned for its high-standard housing, employment, retail businesses, industry, sports and recreation, culture and tourism.
- Key services and infrastructure for the wider region are accessible and centrally located in Wangaratta.
- Housing growth has been gradual, well-planned and matched by the extension of infrastructure and services.
- Wangaratta is a compact and thriving regional centre with a strong sense of community.
- Wangaratta has a strong focus on its major rivers with a cosmopolitan riverside precinct.
- There is a diversity of housing options, including inner-city apartments.
- Wangaratta features a pedestrian friendly central business district.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta comprises a diverse range of townships and rural regions.
- Rural townships are distinct and separate communities, thriving with pop ulation growth, new businesses and tourism development.
- Each community‟s unique character, history and features are respected.
- Each of our townships has developed its own Community Plan and its own identity and has grown in accord with the community and the environment.
- The rural areas separating townships remain essentially productive and viable agricultural properties or Crown Land.
- Communities across the Rural City of Wangaratta are well connected and benefit from the proximity to and association with others.
- Different areas feature different infrastructure, services and attractions. Not everything is provided in every locality.
- People visit the Rural City of Wangaratta to experience the best of both worlds – the vibrant, arts, cultural and festive environment of cosmopolitan Wangaratta and the diverse rural townships and open rural districts.
- High value rural agricultural land and open rural landscapes have been protected from development and fragmentation.
- Our environment remains our most valuable asset.
- The natural environment and its value to community wellbeing are understood and appreciated by the Rural City of Wangaratta community.
- We no longer see the environment as an endless resource available for exploitation.
- The environment is managed sustainably.
- The community experiences, interacts and enjoys time in the natural environment.
- Our community is active in the protection, enhancement and management of environmental assets.
- The community‟s environmental footprint has been substantially lightened.
- Water security has been achieved through the management of surface waters and ground water supplies as one managed, interconnected resource.
- Wangaratta and its surrounds have become the solar and other renewable energy generation centre of the North East of Victoria, generating enough renewable energy to power the entire regional centre and support the national grid.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta community has substantially reduced its greenhouse gas emissions.
- The extent of tree coverage across the urban and rural landscapes has increased, with remnant vegetation strongly protected.
- Soil health is actively monitored and managed
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is a "zero waste‟ community.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is a community with a strong sense of connectedness.
- Our community spirit defines who we are as a community and remains a cornerstone of the way we live.
- Our community values a diversity of people, is inclusive and cohesive.
- The most vulnerable within the community are well cared for.
- People continue to care about others and their wellbeing.
- Volunteering is as strong as ever, although different to the traditional understanding of volunteering.
- Individuals, groups and communities are actively engaged and participate in community activities.
- People of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are recognised for their important contributions to the community.
- People have the opportunity and are encouraged to contribute to discussions about the community and future directions.
- Sport, recreation, arts and culture, play an important role in bringing communities together and improving personal and community health and wellbeing.
- Community leadership is actively fostered.
- Essential health, education and other community services are available and accessible by all.
- There are no barriers to social participation.
- Communities across the Rural City of Wangaratta are resilient and have a sense of independence.
- Our vibrant community includes active participation in heritage festivals, programs, workshops and events that are inclusive of all people.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is the employment and industrial centre of the North East.
- Liveability is a key driver for economic viability.
- There is a strong and vibrant business community, consisting of a diverse range of small, medium and large enterprises.
- Our regional competitive strengths, underpinned by community optimism are the keys to our economic success.
- Manufacturing and service industries continue to grow and provide substantial employment opportunities.
- Agricultural-based production continues to play a major economic role across the region.
- The employment base is strong and flexible.
- The economic base of the region is diverse, stable and strong.
- Tourism continues to thrive, with visitors attracted to the region‟s natural beauty, food and wine, cycling tracks, arts facilities, cultural heritage and festivals.
- Innovation is key to businesses across the region remaining at the forefront of their sectors and ensuring long-term future viability.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is an accessible community, where anyone, regardless of their age, race, religion or ability is able to access the things they need to fulfil their potential and live a happy and productive life.
- A network of pedestrian and cycle paths cover the Rural City of Wangaratta, providing easy access between townships and key facilities.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is serviced by an ultra fast train service running between Melbourne and Sydney.
- Wangaratta features a network of major road by-passes, taking heavy traffic loads out of the central area on the east-west and north-south routes.
- A considerable proportion of the region‟s freight task is transported via efficient trains.
- Solar-powered light rail and bus services connect Wangaratta to rural townships.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is recognised as representing a culture of lifelong learning.
- We embrace learning in all of its forms for all ages.
- We cater for vocational education and training, niche training (for example in medical services) and higher education through university courses.
- Learning opportunities are geared toward meeting the needs of the local economy.
- Improved public transport has assisted to connect people across the community to learning opportunities.
- The broadening of learning opportunities has aided efforts to retain our young people and attract others into the region.
- We continue to support learning in the younger years, including early childhood, primary and secondary education.
- Communities and townships across the Rural City of Wangaratta have developed active exchanges and links, providing an excellent opportunity to learn from each other.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is renowned as the cultural centre of North East Victoria.
- We acknowledge and respect our indigenous community, the traditional owners of the land across the Rural City of Wangaratta, and their cultural heritage: past and present.
- We have a diversity of accessible art forms enjoyed by the entire community: music, dance, visual arts, public art, performing arts and crafts.
- The Rural City of Wangaratta is home to multiple state-of-the-art facilities that house and support the arts in all its forms.
- Public art is a central part of our urban streetscapes, parks and gardens and rural areas, promoting life, colour, vibrancy and difference.
- A wide range of regular music and dance events enable community members of all ages to participate and enjoy local and imported talents.
- Festivals and cultural events continue to play an important role in bringing our community together; celebrating arts, culture and diversity and attracting tourists to the region.
- We are aware of and respect the history of the area and its many peoples, communities and events.
- Respect and celebration of cultural diversity is pivotal to our way of life, the strength of our community and our personal wellbeing.
- Individuals and communities of diverse and multicultural backgrounds are welcomed, embraced and celebrated for their rich contribution to the Rural City of Wangaratta community.
- Cultural and built heritage is preserved and provides a link between the past, present and future.
- Copies of the draft vision document were sent, together with a cover letter, to all previous participants involved in the process of developing the vision earlier in the year. Notification of the release of the draft vision document was also made through the local newspaper media. Twenty-four written submissions were received.
- Three two-hour public workshops were held on the 3rd and 4th of June to discuss the draft vision document in detail and seek feedback on possible improvements to ensure that it accurately reflects community values and priorities for the future.
- Approximately 60 people participated in these workshops.
- An analysis of the community feedback received on the draft and the recommended response is attached (refer attachment).
Council Plan Outcomes
- To engage the community in a strategic approach to decision making and the development of the Rural City of Wangaratta.
- Review the 2030 Community Vision so that it is more aspirational about the development of the Rural City of Wangaratta.
The 2030 Community Vision is intended to be an aspirational document, to encapsulate the community‟s outlook of how the Rural City should look and feel in 20 – 25 years time. While it may contain paths to achieve the vision, it is not meant to detail the individual steps required to reach the destination. Such steps include plans, strategies, projects and schemes which will be developed over time and which will be supported in their turn by Council Plans and Budgets.
Financial Impact
A budget of $65,000 was provided. The project was conducted within the budget limits.
Environmental Impact
There are no significant environmental impacts associated with this matter.
Organisational Impact
This activity is whole of Council in its application. The consultant is advised and supported by the Chief Executive Officer. The Community Development Unit is involved in all community engagement activities.
That Council adopt the Rural City of Wangaratta 2030 Community Vision as proposed
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