Friday, December 5, 2008

Webb's joy at winning mayoral poll

AN emotional Ron Webb was last night elected Wangaratta mayor.

In an open show of hands, Cr Webb won four votes to three against incumbent Roberto Paino.

There were three nominations for the top job, with Cr Rozi Parisotto again denied her wish to be mayor after gaining her vote and that of Cr Lauren O’Neill.

She was then denied her chance after losing a Tattslotto style draw against Cr Webb, which is how a tie is split under Wangaratta Council rules.

Cr Webb was backed by Cr Anthony Griffiths and his own vote, while Cr Paino had his own vote and those of Cr Lisa McInerney and Cr Doug McPhie.

With Cr Parisotto eliminated her vote then went to Cr Webb as did the vote of Cr O’Neill.

Cr Webb, who was visibly shaken when elected, said it was a great honour to reach the top job.

“I believe it is a new team, four new councillors, and I believe and that’s why I stood for it and it needs a new type of leadership,” he said.

“I believe I can give that leadership in relationship to team unity, open communication and allow each of the new candidates to develop fully to their potential and contribute to the city of Wangaratta.”

Cr Webb acknowledged the challenges in front of him including the drought, but believes the fresh faces on the council will provide the enthusiasm required.

“We have a lot of retired people in Wangaratta and the current world economic crisis is going to impact heavily on a lot of those people, who are relying on that type of income from their allocated pensions,” he said.

“There will be some water and sewerage projects in our outlying areas and I’m thinking of the Milawas, Tarrawingees and Glenrowans, and that’s in conjunction with North East water and that will depend on their budgeting and finances.”


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