Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Greg's View of Todays News - 02/23/2009

  • Mr Turnbull has flagged a more ambitious greenhouse gas reduction target than the government's 5-15 per cent by 2020, and a less complex scheme for achieving the target.
    "We could, at relatively low cost ... cut an additional 150 million tonnes a year by 2020, and do that very, very realistically without rocket science technology," he told ABC Radio.

      • You know, I believe the oppositeon could reduce carbon emissions more than is planned by the governments Emission Trading Scheme. However, I am not sure the oppositeion has any understanding of why they should do better. - post by gnaylor
  • Liberal Senator Nick Minchin has accused the ABC of bias for referring to carbon dioxide emissions as carbon pollution.

    The Federal Government has labelled its emissions trading scheme as the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

      • If 'carbon emissions' are not 'carbon pollution' then what's all the fuss about the need to reduce them. - post by gnaylor
  • A disagreement has emerged between the labour hire firm contracting the 50 islanders who arrived last week and the Australian Workers Union (AWU).

    • Pacific Island delegation visiting a Swan Hill Farm.
    • That framework agreement, which was drawn-up with the peak body representing labour-hire firms, saw the seasonal labourers given all the rights of permanent employees, even though they would only be in the country for seven months.

    • "They're working under the same conditions as the Australian workers are working," he said.
      • ... and therin lies the reason why the orchards and vineyards cannot attract Australian workers - and why they have to resort to bringing in third world country nationals who have no choice but to be explouted. - post by gnaylor

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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