Monday, February 2, 2009

Rural issues ‘for all’

Source: Wangaratta Chronicle - 2 Feb 09

Primary industry is not separate council portfolio

Written by SALLY EVANS.

WANGARATTA’S rural landowners hoping for a greater voice on council have been ignored in their plight for a new portfolio specific to primary industry.

Issues relating to the rural sector will instead be shared among all seven councillors.

A council meeting on Tuesday night voted on a slightly modified portfolio structure, which includes community and wellbeing, infrastructure and planning, and economic development and tourism.

The previous portfolio of environmental services and land management has been replaced with environmental sustainability.

Cr Roberto Paino said it would focus on the areas of climate change, water security, river health, drought, waste management and environment protection.

"There was some talk about the possibility of having a rural portfolio and I guess if we had an extra councillor or two, we would be able to spread the burden a little further," he said.

"However, we’ve come up with environmental sustainability which takes on a number of those issues which have a direct effect on our agricultural community."

Mayor Ron Webb said all seven councillors would be responsible for rural matters across the municipality.

"A primary industries portfolio was certainly considered, but it was also found to be more functional to ensure that we had a stronger emphasis placed on rural agribusiness throughout each of the portfolios," he said.

"There are seven councillors, each of them responsible for both urban and rural business.

"There’s no such thing as a rural councillor."

The decision follows a meeting of about 30 farmers with Crs Webb and Anthony Griffiths, which claimed agricultural production was significant enough to warrant its own portfolio in the rural city.

Concerns were expressed about a lack of rural representation on council, with six of the seven new councillors residing in Wangaratta, and of issues relating to primary industries being ignored.

Cr Webb gave assurances on Tuesday night that regular discussions would continue with the agribusiness group to ensure it is given a voice on council.


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