Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sykes: how the bushfire Royal Commission will work

Source: (State MP for Benalla) Bill Sykes Media Release

Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, has endorsed the establishment of a Royal Commission into Victoria’s bushfires.

“These bushfires have caused unprecedented harm to Victoria, not only through the loss of life, property and livestock but also through the emotional trauma caused to survivors and the families of victims. Now that the Royal Commission has released the terms of reference I encourage people to contribute to the inquiry,” Bill Sykes said.

The Commission, led by Justice Bernard Teague, will operate under broad terms of reference including the cause and circumstances of the bushfires, the prevention, management and communication of bushfire threats and risks, immediate management, response and recovery in the event of a bushfire, communication and equipment systems, land use planning and management, fireproofing of housing and other buildings and public communications and community advice systems.

The Commission has the scope to include any other matters deemed appropriate in relation to the 2009 bushfires.

Justice Bernard Teague has said the Commission will include first person accounts by bushfire survivors. These accounts will be collected during round table hearings at locations throughout fire affected areas to commence early March 2009.

“I encourage people who have been directly impacted upon by these bushfires to make every effort to attend these meetings. In the past week I have visited bushfire affected and threatened areas in Bonnie Doon, Strathbogie, Merton, Yarck, Eildon, Thornton, Alexandra, Myrtleford, Bright, Rosewhite and Mudgegonga and have first hand knowledge of the issues faced by people. I will continue to address these issues but urge people across the Benalla Electorate to also contribute to this important inquiry,” Bill Sykes said.

The Royal Commission will provide an interim report by 17 August 2009 to enable early recommendations to be implemented before the next bushfire season. A final report will be due by 31 July 2010.

Written submissions by the public have been invited by the Royal Commission with a submission address to be announced by early next week.

“I will be advising all media, community and professional organisations and agencies throughout the Benalla Electorate where they can send submissions to as soon as this information becomes available and to advise the dates, times and locations of all round table hearings,” Bill Sykes said.

To view the Terms of Reference visit

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