Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fix country roads: save country lives

Source: (State MP for Benalla) Bill Sykes Media Release
TAC Community Road Safety Grants

The Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, said today the alarming Victorian rural road toll to date in 2009 highlights an urgent need to invest more in rural roads to save country lives.

In light of an alarming 14% rise in the rural road toll compared to the same time last year, Dr Sykes said it is a timely reminder that the deadline for the fifth round of funding for the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) Community Road Safety Grants Program closes on 14 August, 2009.

“I welcome the TAC Road Safety Grants program but twelve more deaths on rural roads is a tragedy and the TAC program is clearly not going to be enough to address this issue,” Dr Sykes said.

“A decrease in the road toll in Melbourne and regional cities and towns show that Labor should be doing more to improve the state of Victorian country roads to save country lives.

“We must fix country roads to save country lives.”

Dr Sykes said he was hopeful the TAC program would go some way to address the need to improve rural road safety.

The TAC program offers community groups the opportunity to apply for funding for road safety projects which aim to encourage involvement in local road safety programs in line with the Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy, arrive alive (www.arrivealive.vic.gov.au).

“The scope of initiatives through this program is extensive,” Bill Sykes said. “Successful applications in previous years have included projects such as a volunteer supported driver education project, programs to reduce drink driving and raising road safety awareness, increasing the safety of older cyclists, creating safe access to schools for all road users, improving driver reviver programs and volunteer driver education projects,” he said.

“In addition to the unsafe state of rural roads, road users in regional Victoria face specific road threats such as wildlife, gravel and roadside obstacles. I encourage community groups throughout the Benalla electorate to apply their local knowledge, to get involved and help make our roads safer.”

Given the State Government’s failure to fund long overdue road safety improvements in rural areas the Community Road Safety Grants provides important education and road safety initiatives.

Dr Sykes said the Brumby Government’s lack of commitment to rural road safety was yet again highlighted when it saw fit to cease funding the pre-licence driver education Careful Cobber program.

“Educating our young people on driver safety, in particular on rural roads, is one of the most pro-active steps any government can take toward reducing the road toll. Unfortunately the Brumby Government stopped funding for the Driver Education Centres of Australia (DECA) run Careful Cobber program, a pre-licence driver education program which has assisted thousands of children across Victoria,” Dr Sykes said. “The Government has also failed to assist service club supported programs at Alexandra and in the Alpine Shire.”

The TAC will consider applications up to $20,000. Applications for larger funding can be discussed with a Community Road Safety Grants officer on (03) 5225 6954.

Guidelines and applications forms can be downloaded from www.tacsafety.com.au or contact a Community Road Safety Grants officer on (03) 5225 6954. Applications can be mailed to Transport Accident Commission, Community Road Safety Grants, 60 Brougham Street, Geelong. VIC. 3220.


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