Saturday, January 19, 2008

Zuvele Leschen: Poor telecomunications buckpass

Mrs Mirabella’s recent demands for the Minister for Communications, Senator Conroy, to detail which areas of the North East were covered by the recent audit report into the CDMA network shows that, in her struggle for relevance, she is drawing some very long bows indeed.

The report she refers to was commissioned by the Howard Government and its terms of reference framed by them, well prior to the election.

If – as Mrs Mirabella seems to be implying – the audit failed to properly consider the North East, it is her fault, not Senator Conroy’s.

As our local member, she should have ensured that the terms of reference covered this area adequately.

However, her statements imply that she did not do this.

If she had, she would already know which areas had been covered, instead of having to ask the Minister for details.

It seems strange that Mrs Mirabella should draw attention to her own shortcomings in this way.

If she failed to successfully lobby for the North East when she represented the sitting Government, it is difficult to see how she can do so from the Opposition benches.

In the meantime, Senator Conroy should be congratulated for listening to country people and honouring the commitment he made to continue the CDMA network until Telstra could demonstrate that NextG services would provide an equivalent service.

Yours sincerely

Zuvele Leschen

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