Drought Assistance - North East Victoria
Source: Parliamentary Member’s Statement 21/8/08
Things are looking pretty good in NE Victoria at the moment.Good rains and mild weather have been ideal for the crops, pastures and trees and the Alpine Resorts are blanketed in over one metre of snow.
However, August has been relatively dry so far and people are worried that we may be heading towards yet another failed spring.
It is absolutely critical that we have heavy rains soon to fill our dams and provide water for the irrigators who are currently on zero allocation – that’s right, zero allocation.
Farmers, local businesses and local communities are financially and emotionally very fragile.
Increased input costs – fuel, fertilisers and chemicals have all increased 50 to over 100% in the past 12 months will mean the end of many farmers if we have another failed spring.
With this uncertainty playing on peoples mind the last thing they need is for the uncertainty about drought assistance measures.
We all welcome the Federal Government’s announcement this week that the Exceptional Circumstances status will be rolled over for another six months.
It is now critical that the State Government immediately announce continuation of assistance measures which it funds.
In particular, the Local Government municipal rate rebate and the irrigation water rate rebate must be continued.
It is also absolutely critical that the State Government confirms continuing funding for financial counsellors and mental health workers – to provide job security to existing employees who are doing such a great job.
This is a small measure in dollar terms but a very, very large measure in terms of getting people through the toughest time in living memory.
Bill Sykes MP
Labels: drought, funding, State Government, sykes
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