Wednesday, September 17, 2008

RCoW Uni cash bid

Source: Wangaratta Chronicle - 17.09.08

Council seeking state to bankroll study into higher education precinct in city

Written by SALLY EVANS.

THE State Government will be asked to fund a study into the development of a higher education precinct in Wangaratta.

The rural city council voted last night to start the ball rolling on a proposal put forward by local consultant physician, Dr Les Bolitho, for a university-style campus aimed at medical students.

The facility would offer tertiary courses to school leavers, as well as further training opportunities for existing health professionals.

Council has agreed to call expressions of interest to undertake a feasibility study into the precinct, which has been dubbed the Wangaratta Centre of Excellence.

The response will then be taken to the State Government with the hope funding will be granted for the investigation to go ahead.

Councillor Bernard Young said the expressions of interest process would "test the notion" for the tertiary centre, and was a strong direction in which to head.

"(The proposal) is based on the fact we already have an established strength in relation to health services in Wangaratta," he said.

"It’s something that has grown out of the existing health provider facilities and probably supported by the fact that the Department of Human Services has its office here."

Cr Rozi Parisotto commended Dr Bolitho for his foresight, and said it was a great opportunity for the city.

"We always talk about our point of difference - what is it that we want to set ourselves apart from?" she said.

"We are now seen to be a regional force and what a great way to build on some of our strengths and the medical services we provide."

The higher education precinct was suggested by Dr Bolitho as an opportunity for secondary school graduates to study locally, and for medical practitioners in the region to continue their professional development.

It would also be expected to help address skills shortages by attracting, training and employing professionals of a higher level of expertise.

Council has sought discussions with the Department of Education about the possibility of securing the former Ovens College site in Greta Road for the development.

The site is currently used as a second campus by the Wangaratta High School, but will be vacated with the completion of the Technical Education Centre in Cusack Street next year.

Dr Bolitho also said the University of Melbourne had expressed an interest in becoming a dedicated education provider for the facility.


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