Friday, September 5, 2008

Wangaratta keeping AFL dream alive

Source: Wangaratta Chronicle - 05.09.08

Minister encouragement for city’s $2.4m ‘elite’ showground bid

Written by SALLY EVANS.

WANGARATTA’S bid to develop a multi-million dollar "elite" sporting facility took a major step forward this week after winning the endorsement of Sports and Recreation Minister, James Merlino.

The Rural City of Wangaratta put its case of establishing a premier regional sporting precinct at the showgrounds to the minister during a visit to the region.

If successful, the bid would bring Ovens and Murray Football League grand finals and AFL pre-season matches to the rural city, as well as major cricket and other sporting fixtures.

It could also see the Murray Bushrangers, which currently alternates between the showgrounds and WJ Findlay Oval, establish a permanent headquarters at the showgrounds.

Mr Merlino, who was in Greta for a funding announcement on Tuesday, welcomed the council’s efforts and said he would give it "strong consideration".

"We’re certainly keen to get as much AFL played in regional Victoria as we can, because often for the kids it’s the first time that they’ve experienced AFL at the elite level," he said.

"So we’re certainly keen to do that and we’re doing it right across the state."

Mr Merlino said the State Government had supported efforts to attract pre-season AFL games in regional Victoria through the Country Football Netball Program and its facilities funding scheme.

Rural city council officers were due to meet with State Government department officials yesterday afternoon in the hope of progressing the project.

Council’s chief executive officer, Doug Sharp, said he would present the findings of a preliminary scoping study to the meeting, which found $2.4 million would be needed to see the city reach its goal.

The works would include:

• new powerful lighting;

• multi-purpose sporting complex;

• expanded viewing embankment; and

• removal of the existing cycling track.

Mr Sharp said he was "encouraged" by the minister’s reception this week, and was eager to see what could be done to achieve the first stage of the project.

"There are various funding sources that could apply to each component," he said.

"We need to explore that with State Government, and the AFL because we believe they will have an interest in it as well."

Mr Sharp said extensive consultation would also be carried out with local sporting clubs to consider the future of the cycling track.


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