Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bill Sykes praises Global Timber Products

On Saturday, 28 July I attended the celebration of the first year in business of Global Timber Products, Mansfield.

Their’s is a remarkable story – a story of persistence and resilience to overcome hurdle after hurdle.
Fifteen months ago the company then known as Stakeman which operated the Mansfield Timber Mill got into financial difficulty and the timber mill was closed and 24 staff jobs terminated.

Greg Musgrave, an employee suggested that the employees should purchase the mill.

Greg, along with Arnold Van Winden, John Hurley and Nigel Martin put their own money on the line and very ably assisted by Robbie Hinves and Kim Harrison-Hinves got the mill going again.

In spite of countless set backs the mill is now employing 13 full time and one part time staff with a target of more than 20.

The management and staff have worked extremely hard under very difficult physical, financial and emotional circumstances – they know the pressure of having their house on the line.

In addition to the people mentioned earlier other members of the Global Team are Terry Kirley, Brett Kirley, Wayne Kirley, Alan Parker, Darren McLeish, Shaun Turner, Shane Cummings and Stephen Coyne.

There is a saying in boxing that a champion gets up off the canvass when others can’t.

Congratulations to all at Global Timber Products Mansfield – you are true champions.

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