Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Government to finance name change for fortified wines

“The Howard Government will be providing new funding to the Winemakers Federation of Australia to support the re-branding of the fortified wine industry, and to be implemented by the Muscat of Rutherglen group,” the Federal Member for Indi, Sophie Mirabella, said today.

Mrs Mirabella is delighted by the Howard Government’s newly announced support for local fortified wines.

“This new support for local wines is required following recent consultations between the industry with the European Union, during which Australia agreed to give up using fortified names such as ‘Tokay’ and ‘Sherry,’” Mrs Mirabella said.

The Howard Government is providing $500,000 to assist Australia’s fortified wine industry re-brand, re-name and re-market its products in the domestic market and increase access to vast European and world markets.

“I am pleased that this important local industry is being supported by the Howard Government. It is another example of using our current economic strength to invest and plan for the future,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“This is a process, similar to the cessation of the word ‘Champagne,’ that needs to be managed carefully for future generations and to ensure the continued growth of the fortified wine industry.”

“I congratulate the industry for the investment they have made and will continue to make for the future of the fortified wine market, with particular thanks to Colin Campbell, the Chair of the Muscat of Rutherglen group.”

“I know this project will build on the strength and growth that the industry has particularly engineered over the last ten years,” Mrs Mirabella said.


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