Friday, August 10, 2007

Labor confirms commitment to roads funding

Concerns were expressed in the Australian Local Government Association News of 3 August at the possible impact on direct funding to local government of recommendations contained in a discussion paper from the ALP Advisory Group on Federal State Reform on the future development of Specific Purpose Payments (SPPs).

Martin Ferguson, the Shadow Minister for Transport and Roads, has subsequently written to the ALGA President Cr Paul Bell clarifying the situation and unequivocally committing any future Labor Government to retention of all AusLink Programs.

Martin Ferguson wrote "Â…Federal Labor is absolutely committed to the retention of all AusLink programs, including the Roads to Recovery, Blackspot and Strategic Regional Programs which involve direct funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and local government authorities."

Cr Bell thanked Martin Ferguson for his rapid response confirming the Labor position on these funding arrangements which are so critical to local government.

"I welcome this reiteration of the commitment by Martin Ferguson to remove any uncertainty about Labor funding for roads" Cr Bell said.

"The direct funding relationship between Federal Government and Local Government through programs like Roads to Recovery and Blackspots is crucial to the provision of decent and safe roads to local communities." Cr Bell said.

Cr Bell said that he looks forward to working with the Labor Party as it develops its new approach to federalism. "Local government is an integral part of the federation and our roles and responsibilities should be recognised in any policy discussions about forging new relationships between the states, the federal government and local government," he said.

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