Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Positive response to local government and infrastructure ministry

The President of the Australian Local Government Association, Cr Paul Bell, has welcomed the announcement that local government and infrastructure will be combined in a super-ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, and Local Government.

"I congratulate Anthony Albanese on his appointment as Minister and am delighted that local government concerns such as roads, infrastructure, community building and developing regions, have been combined in a Cabinet portfolio," Cr Bell said.

Cr Bell also congratulated Gary Gray on his appointment as the Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Northern Australia.

"I am still waiting to hear about the break-up of responsibilities and believe that Mr Gray may be responsible for economic development in the regions, particularly Northern Australia, and working closely with Minister Albanese on roads and infrastructure," he said.

Cr Bell said he had written to Minister Albanese seeking a meeting at the earliest opportunity to discuss ALGA's priorities, including the backlog in the renewal of community infrastructure, the time table for constitutional recognition and the emerging challenges facing local government in the areas of water security, climate change, urban policy and the provision of broadband. Cr Bell said he particularly would like to discuss Labor's plans for setting up a Roads to Recovery-style program, which Labor has promised to fund and look at expanding grants to encompass public transport-related projects.

Following the National General Assembly of Local Government last week, Cr Bell announced local government's decision to hold a Constitutional Forum late in 2008. Cr Bell said ALGA would work cooperatively with Mr Albanese to establish the Council of Australian Local Governments.

Labor has said the new Council would allow local and Federal governments to discuss issues of national importance, ensure local government has a more effective voice at the Council of Australian Governments and generally help governments work together to achieve better outcomes for local communities. One of the first tasks for the new Council would be to plan for a national referendum on the Constitutional recognition of local government.

"Minister Albanese has a long-standing interest in infrastructure, dating back to his maiden speech to Parliament in 1996 when he spoke of the need for long-term infrastructure planning," Cr Bell said. "As Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Water, he is also well aware of the critical issues of climate change and the need to protect our water resources. He also spoke enthusiastically in favour of the Parliamentary Motion which passed both Houses last year recognising local government's role in the federation. I look forward to working on developing a strong partnership with Minister Albanese, Mr Gray and the Federal Government on the key priorities facing local communities throughout Australia."

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