Friday, August 22, 2008

Is city’s China trip a ‘junket’?

Source: Wangaratta Chonicle 22.08.08

THE Rural City of Wangaratta has been accused of planning a "junket" during debate over an upcoming all-expenses paid visit to China.

At a meeting in Moyhu on Tuesday night, council voted to send chief executive officer, Doug Sharp, mayor Roberto Paino and his wife to further relations with China for seven days in October.

Costs associated with the trip, including accommodation, are to be met by the hosts, while council will foot the bill for airfares.

Councillor Rozi Parisotto questioned the relevance of the delegation given there was no formal strategy in place for the rural city to capitalise on business and investment opportunities in China.

"What is the point of us going there if we don’t even recognise what’s going to come out of it?" she said.

"I just think it’s very disappointing, a waste of time and no wonder the community talk about it being a junket."

A report tabled at the meeting said council had been invited to attend an economic and trade event on October 18 in China by the People’s Government of Wuhzong District.

It follows a friendship city relationship formed in 2002, and a number of exchange visits between delegates in recent years.

A motion was put to the meeting to authorise the delegation from October 15 to 21, with a view of strengthening the relationship and exploring opportunities for investment by China.

Cr Parisotto sought to formalise the bid by adding that an investment strategy be developed to build on the friendship, and that council’s economic development arm, Wang Unlimited, be asked to include potential business opportunities with the Wuhzong district in its economic development strategy.

The proposal was rejected as "premature" by Cr Bernard Young, who holds the economic development portfolio, and urged councillors to take it on notice.

Cr Parisotto hit back by saying the rural city had been dealing with the Wuhzong District for 10 years, and that she couldn’t understand why Wang Unlimited wouldn’t recognise the relationship as having "huge potential".

"To call it premature I think is wrong," she said.

"If we’re saying that, how many years does it take for us to decide whether or not they are a trading partner, and whether or not there is huge opportunity?"

In supporting Cr Young, Cr Don Joyce said the delegation was a "wonderful opportunity" to continue what the municipality had achieved with China over a “relatively short” period of time.

"We’re doing extremely well in sending a delegation to the Wuhzong district, and I think we’re all very happy and satisfied with the outcome to date and what will come from it," he said.

"I don’t regard it in any way as a junket.

"It’s an extremely important business that the rural city will be doing over there and what has been achieved today is testament to that."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.

11 November, 2008  

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