Watchdog Posts to 18 Jan 09
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links for 2009-01-18
Posted: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 13:00:26 +0000
Male “Menopause”…Is There Such a Thing? Yes, by all means, but it is technically called hypogonadism (low testosterone levels). Symptoms may vary, but most men will experience decreased libido (sexual desire) as well as erectile dysfunction, hot sweats, decrease in body hair, fatigue, or even depression. They also tend to lose muscle mass and gain weight [...]What advice would you give your unborn child?
Posted: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 05:12:26 +0000
Faced with my terminal cancer and coming to terms with my family, the thought has frequently crossed my mind, “What should I tell my grandchildren - as it really is - or what society wants me to tell them? A hilarious compendium of fatherly advice has become a surprising internet hit. Inspired by ‘1001 Rules for My Unborn [...]links for 2009-01-17
Posted: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 13:00:17 +0000
FREE BLACK BALLOONS ENERGY SAVING ACTION KITS - Premier of Victoria, Australia The kits include information on energy saving actions around the home, a thermometer for cutting fridge / freezer energy wastage, a shower timer to reduce hot water usage, some handy reminder stickers and a fun temporary tattoo for kids. … and balloons? There [...]Local news and media archive - 9 Jan 09
Posted: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 06:25:55 +0000
Local News Stories and Media Releases archived elsewhere together with current world news stories worthy of comment. 09.01.09 Fire Services Levy fury - Bill Sykes Media Release 31.12.08 A big year ahead for RCoW - Wangaratta Chronicle 31.12.08 St John’s Rates battle gets political - Wangaratta Chronicle 29.12.08 RCoW Showgrounds committee ‘Dysfunctional’ - Wangaratta Chronicl 29.12.08 CFA finally recognises local firefighters killed - [...]links for 2009-01-16
Posted: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 13:00:24 +0000
Paint cities white to tackle global warming, scientist says White buildings and surfaces reflect far more sunlight than dark ones. Reflected sunlight does not contribute to the greenhouse effect, unlike the heat energy emitted by dark surfaces heated by the sun. COMMENT: What a simple solution. Now, what is the carbon footprint of everyone wearing sunglasses [...]Reducing your carbon footprint
Posted: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:46:53 +0000
Reducing your carbon footprint around the home is really easy once you accept that we have spent a lifetime wasting cheap energy and living a disposable lifestyle. The place to start is with reducing our use of electricity. The time is approaching when we will no longer be able to buy traditional light bulbs because of the [...]links for 2009-01-15
Posted: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:00:28 +0000
Country patients paid for travel (in WA) West Australian CANCER patients in the country will benefit the most from an overhaul to the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme announced by the State Government today. The service is used to help more than 50,000 country patients travel from their homes to access specialist medical services. COMMENT: This is [...]links for 2009-01-14
Posted: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:00:34 +0000
Joyce slammed over eco-Nazi blast Senator Joyce said on Wednesday emissions trading would put Australians out of their homes, out of their jobs and would do nothing to counter climate change. He warned of the rise of "eco-totalitarianism" and said he would not be "goosestepping" along with environmentalists. Agriculture Minister Tony Burke called on [...]links for 2009-01-13
Posted: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:00:23 +0000
Greg’s Daily News Commentary Israel Hurt By Global Condemnation Israel’s foreign minister expresses Tel Aviv’s grave concern over “a wave of anti-Semitism” sparked by the Israeli offensive in Gaza. COMMENT: I will be accused of antisemitism on this comment. This article is about the international protests against Israel’s conduct of the Gaza war. This [...]links for 2009-01-12
Posted: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 00:01:49 +0000
Greg’s Daily News Commentary Bush defends legacy in final media conference George W Bush on Monday passionately denied his turbulent presidency had damaged America’s moral standing in the world … well he would say that, wouldn’t he! Key to financial success? Sex hormones and a long finger … and all the time we believed that the bull had balls [...]News links for 2009-01-11
Posted: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 03:01:10 +0000
CLIMATE REPORT SHOWS VICTORIA STILL LEADING THE WAY - Premier of Victoria A report on greenhouse gas emissions from Australia’s three most populous states shows Victoria is still leading the way in tackling climate change … or so the state government spin suggests. Elsewhere, the report states, “Emissions fell by 0.5 million tonnes in NSW, [...]Lesson: Get dressed before you sit down
Posted: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 12:56:00 +0000
Another weird Anorak News Story MIRELA Gradinaru, 37, arrived at the clinic in Arad, western Romania, with a can of hairspray stuffed up her rectum. Mirandolina Prisca, a doctor at the clinic, tells us: “We had X-rays done to localise the object and then we carried out the operation. The patient was fine after it. She was very [...]It’s the economy, stupid
Posted: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:00:39 +0000
It’s the economy, stupid! Some of us think the global economy may collapse bringing about a ‘New World Order’ whilst others are banking on the ‘Free Market Forces’ to bring the economy back to ‘Business As Usual‘ This news column will blog news items that might indicate one direction or the other US recession hits Aussie exporters Australian businesses [...]Seller gets online sales scam lesson
Posted: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 12:19:00 +0000
7 Jan 2009Reprinted from Papakura CourierBy Karen Mangnall HERE’S a tale that proves the adage that if something seems too good to be true it probably is. Photo: BEN CAMPBELL Check first: Otahuhu resident Avi Cohen is warning readers to beware of an online scam that could have left him $4800 out of pocket. It [...]Let’s hope he gets it right
Posted: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 05:58:15 +0000
Obama vows to uphold torture ban BARACK Obama has vowed to observe Geneva Convention bans on torture and outlawed the tweaking of intelligence data for political gain, naming new US spy chiefs in a clean break from the Bush years. Australia’s future is inextricably tied to the changes that Obama brings about. With the economic collapse already underway [...]
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