Wangaratta High School joins the Wi Fi revolution
Wangaratta High School chose to replace their existing Wi-Fi network for their new environmentally-friendly facilities because Xirrus required far fewer products, cables, switch ports, and energy while delivering 8X more Wi-Fi bandwidth to support a large assortment of wireless devices and applications.
Wangaratta High School is undergoing a major renovation, with an entirely new school being built to revolutionize the way education takes place—open spaces to foster student autonomy, wireless networking to increase learning collaboration, and environmentally-friendly facilities to be more resource and earth conscious.
“We have designed the new facilities to allow for better student participation and information access by utilizing open classrooms and wireless networking. Thanks to the Xirrus Wi-Fi Array, we are able to deploy a Wi-Fi network to support our large student population with the fewest number of devices and least amount of energy possible.”
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