Sunday, December 18, 2005

Great Victorian Bike Ride returns to Whitfield

AN expected 4000 cyclists will have Whitfield’s economy on a roll for next year’s Great Victorian Bike Ride in November. Australia’s largest single cycle event will be stopping overnight in town, in a move anticipated to generate more than $80,000 for local businesses - providing they provide the services the cyclists need.

Remember the last time they came to Whitfield? The recreation reserve became a self contained tent city with kitchen, movie theatre and sanitary services. We had never seen so many people in town overnight. They swarmed over the streets like ants. It was a great new adventure. We did many things right as a lot of riders have returned to the King Valley privately ... and the ride is stopping here again next year.

This time around, we should be able to provide for them even better. Some suggested improvements could be:
  • A bus service to ferry the cyclists to Gentle Annie bridge for a swim. Last time around, they walked or rode their bikes to the swimming hole.
  • A refreshment booth located at the swimming hole. An entrepeneural community group could provide soft drinks and ice cream to revive them after their day's ride.
  • Adequate shower facilities for the riders. Last time, they were lined up for hours at the Whitfield School - although that was a bonus for the school to create an oasis with refreshments for the cyclists whilst they waited.
  • Farm Stays and other accommodation houses should contact Bicycle Victoria as there are some riders who prefer a real bed to sleep in.
  • The many masseurs in the valley could also set up a massage service at the RSL or Health Centre for damaged cyclists.
  • E-mail and telephone services are also essential. Last time, the school opened up their computers but the public phone outside the general store was inadequate. Last year, Telstra Country Wide attended with 4 computers and an additional phone service.
The ride, which will begin in Wangaratta, will have entrants riding and staying overnight in towns such as Beechworth, Tallangatta, Mt Beauty, Myrtleford, Whitfield, Mansfield and Yea.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

St John's Wort out of control in rural Wangaratta

Have you noticed the proliferation of the weed St John's Wort alongside our unmade roads throughout the municipality?

It is worth noting that the weed is primarily located immediately beside the road sheeting. Whilst it has been suggested that it is caused by grazing cattle on the roadside, this can be shown to be false as the adjoining properties are not yet infested.

Because it is so widespread along our roadways - in particular alongside unmade roads bearing the 'Roads to Recovery' signs, I would suggest that the seed is being brought in with road making materials used by the Rural City of Wangaratta to resheet the roadways.

This theory is reinforced by some Greta locals who advise that the gravel from the Banksdale pits was infested with St John's Wort. It seems that many of the locals have worked over a period to eradicate the weed from the roadside outside their properties.

This should be able to be verified by the RCoW who, no doubt, keep records of the sourcing of roadmaking materials. If this proves to be correct, the Rural City of Wangaratta should be held accountable for the eradication of this noxious weed rather than leaving it to the landholders.

St Johns Wort is a perrennial weed that does not usually flower in its first year. That would indicate that the seed has survived the recent roadside weed eradication program carried out by the King Valley/Edi Upper/Greta Landcare groups. Therefore it is time to take this weed a little more seriously before it encroaches upon our farmlands.

We need to contact our elected representatives to do something positive about this problem. Now that there are no wards, you have seven separate representatives on council ... contact them all.

The email addresses of our councillors are as follows.
  • Cr. Don Joyce -
  • Cr. Roberto Paino -
  • Cr. Rozi Parisotto -
  • Cr. Justin Sholz -
  • Cr. Neville Wright -
  • Cr. Bernard Young -
  • Cr. Tania Tatulaschwili -

Action vital to control weed Border Mail letter.
North West Weeds Control measures for St John's Wort.
St John's Wort Identification DPI documentation
Effort vital in weed control Border Mail letter