Monday, July 30, 2007

Annual Sophie Mirabella electotate tour

The Federal Member for Indi, Sophie Mirabella, is currently conducting her annual electorate tour. Mrs Mirabella will be making the following visits tomorrow (TUESDAY, 31 JULY 2007)

TIME: 9.00am – 9.45am
LOCATION: Outside General Store
ADDRESS: 7 Byrne St, Moyhu

TIME: 10.00am – 11.00am
LOCATION: Outside Whitfield Hotel
ADDRESS: Cheshunt Rd, Whitfield

TIME: 11.30am – 12.30pm
LOCATION: Outside General Store
ADDRESS: Whitfield-Mansfield Rd, Cheshunt

TIME: 2.00pm – 4.30pm
LOCATION: Sausage sizzle at Yarrunga Park
ADDRESS: Burke St, Yarrunga

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Lake Mokoan - Government contemp continues

The Labor Government’s contempt for the people of Benalla has reached a new low with Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) and Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) not only withholding flood risk information from Benalla Rural City Council (BRC) but suggesting that BRC fund its own flood risk assessment.

Bill Sykes, Nationals Member for Benalla said that GMW & GBCMA’s response to Benalla Rural City Council’s request for flood risk information associated with Government plans to decommission Lake Mokoan is both contemptuous and deceitful.

According to Dr Sykes, Russell Cooper, CEO of GMW refused to release flood risk information to Benalla Rural City Council on the grounds that the relevant “report is the subject of an application made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Under that process, GMW has refused access to the document and the matter is presently before VCAT for determination; in the circumstances I regret that I am unable to release the GHD report or parts thereof.”

Dr Sykes said, “This is yet another pathetic attempt to deny public access to important information using processes which are supposed to make Government Departments more open and accountable. It is a disgrace.”

Dr Sykes continued, “It gets worse. Mr Bill O’Kane, CEO of GBCMA refused to answer Benalla Rural City’s questions relating to the retention of air space in Lake Nillahcootie (in order to absorb flood water surges).

“Mr O’Kane dismissed the questions as “academic” but said, “However, Council (at their cost) could request Cardno Willing to re-run the hydrologic (RAFTS) model to determine the relative change in flow rates at Benalla. In this regard, Guy Tierney is happy to assist Council to prepare a brief for this work”.”

Dr Sykes said, “In effect, Mr O’Kane is saying either GBCMA didn’t do the basic work to check the impact of a part empty (rather than Full) Lake Nillahcootie on flood levels in Benalla or they did the work but they are not prepared to make it available and be subjected to public scrutiny.

“This is outrageously arrogant on the part of Mr O’Kane.

“It also is a continuation of attempted deceit. What people are seeking is a comparison of flood risks now and in the future with when Lake Nillahcootie was managed to have air space as claimed by Mr Frank Rankin, Weir Keeper 1967-1989. Mr O’Kane is simply comparing risks with more recent operating rules which apparently do not provide for air space.

Dr Sykes concluded, “GMW’s refusal of an earlier request for flood risk information was to go to VCAT a week ago but proceedings have been postponed for several weeks.”

“I along with the Benalla & District Flood Awareness Group will continue to pursue the matter. Whether it is via VCAT or other means will depend on the current case before VCAT.

“But be assured, when this is all over there will be a day of reckoning and those who have withheld the truth and peddled half truths and lies will be brought to account.”

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Senator O’Brien (ALP) to visit farmers

The Federal Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Fisheries & Forestry will visit Indi Tuesday 31st July to talk with local farmers about their concerns.

The visit will focus on threats to the local honey industry, concerns about the importation of apples from New Zealand and issues to do with the closure of the tobacco industry.

“Local honey growers are concerned about a number of issues, particularly the threats to the viability of the industry with the importation of honey from Chile and fears raised by world wide bee die offs,” Zuvele Leschen, the ALP candidate for Indi said.

“If bee die off spreads to Australia, we could lose all of our fruit crops, as these need bees as pollinators.”

“Apple and pear growers have further concerns. Currently we’re fire blight free, but the importation of apples from New Zealand may change this.”

“A Rudd Labor Government will review Australia’s biosecurity arrangements to ensure the risk of introduced pests and diseases is minimized, protecting the fruit industry from the impacts of bee die off and fire blight.”

Senator O’Brien will also meet with members of the community who have been affected by the closure of the tobacco industry at the Savoy Club at 1 pm.

“The Senator is interested to hearing from tobacco farmers about their future prospects, as well as talking to others in the community, particularly those who provided services to the tobacco industry, about the support they need to go forward.”

Anyone who is interested in meeting with the Senator should contact Zuvele on 0448 613 638.

Running sheet for visit of Senator Kerry O’Brien, Shadow Minister for Primary Industry, Fisheries & Forestry, 31/07/2007

9.20 am - doorstop outside Albury Airport terminal

10.15 am – Niklaus family, honey makers, Diffey Rd Beechworth

11.15 am - Hilton family, SnoLine fruits, apple growers, Main Rd, Stanley

12.30 pm – Bonacci’s tobacco farm, Great Alpine Rd, Myrtleford (opp Myrtleford Savoy Club)

1 pm - meeting with Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce & tobacco growers at the Myrtleford Savoy Club

2.15 pm - Brian & Jane Casey, chestnut growers, Great Alpine Rd, Eurobin

4.15 pm - interview with Di Thomas ‘The Border Mail” – TBC

5.30 pm - depart Albury airport

Friday, July 27, 2007

Tourism & pipeline hot topics in Mansfield

Regional tourism and the controversial North-South Pipeline were the main topics discussed when Nationals MPs Peter Ryan, Damian Drum & Bill Sykes met with local Mansfield business operators this week.

The Nationals were “in town” as part of their on going program of hearing first hand locally important issues.

Michael Watson of the Mansfield Shire Tourism Advisory Committee spoke of the importance of attracting international tourists, highlighting the need to substantially upgrade public transport to North East Victoria in order to attract international tourists.

Sandra Duell of the Howqua Valley Caravan Park pointed out that local tourist operators had toughed out a decade of poor seasons, low water levels in Eildon, poor snow seasons and of course the drought and bush fires.

Rebecca Douglas-Rhoderick from the Collopy Street Café emphasised the need for improved coordination of tourism related activities in the area.

Nationals Upper House MP Damian Drum, who is chair of the Parliamentary Committee inquiring into Regional Tourism, listened attentively to these issues.

Mr Drum encouraged Michael, Sandra & Rebecca to make submissions to the Inquiry when it meets in Mansfield late in August.

Nationals Leader, Peter Ryan, raised the issue of the North-South Pipeline, highlighting concerns about the possibility of Melbourne grabbing its water first and “doing a runner” without water saving projects being completed.

Of course, the local implication if this was to occur is less water in Eildon, especially in dry years!

Bill Sykes said that The Nationals will continue to fight for funding for water savings but vigorously oppose the pipeline to Melbourne.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Weary - The Story of Sir Edward Dunlop - don't miss it

Celebrate the life of a Wangaratta born Australian hero!

“This is a wonderful production and every Australian must see it.” Sir Michael Jeffreys, Governor General of Australia

Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop is a true Australian icon. Rarely has any man’s deeds captured the Australian ethos like Weary’s. Many believe that his spirit, energy and bravery reflect the true Australia, or at least the Australia most of us like to imagine exists.

On Friday 27 July at 8pm Wangaratta will host WEARY: THE STORY OF SIR EDWARD DUNLOP.

Inspired by the great Australian, noted playwright and actor, Alan Hopgood OA, has teamed up with critically acclaimed director, Roger Hodgman to create the first theatrical work based on the life of Weary Dunlop. Starring Ronald Falk, Samuel Johnson and Dion Mills, WEARY: THE STORY OF SIR EDWARD DUNLOP is a powerful piece of theatre. Evoking strong images of compassion, heroism and courage,

“This is one the most exciting tours Wangaratta has been involved in. Not only is Weary an Australian icon, but he is was born right here in Wangaratta. I encourage everyone who believes in the Australian spirit to come and see this live stage production. It is truly inspirational” said Performing Arts Co-ordinator, Karen Mullavey.

In this two act play, the hopes, fears, cruelty, courage, loyalty, treachery, and above all, mateship that were all consuming in the building of the Burma - Thailand railway are played out on stage by the three award winning actors. Not burdened by sadism and sorrow, Hopgood intersperses a good deal of Australian humour in the play– the kind that sustained Australian troops through their darkest hours.

The humour when coupled with the enormous courage and strength of Weary gives an inkling as to why this terrible chapter of Australia’s history didn’t claim even more lives.

Regional Arts Victoria is proudly touring WEARY: THE STORY OF SIR EDWARD DUNLOP to Victorian audiences this July. The tour, supported by Arts Victoria and the Community Support Fund, will visit Weary’s birthplace, Wangaratta on Friday 27 July.

Tickets are on sale now from Edgars Newsagency ph: 5721 3758.

Further information and interviews can be obtained by contacting Karen Mullavey, from the Wangaratta Rural City Council on 5722 0737 or

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kerford Oration on climate change by Minister John Thwaites

Deputy Premier and Minister for Water, Environment and Climate Change, Mr Thwaites, will deliver the 2007 Kerferd Oration at La Trobe University Beechworth on Sunday 29 July at 11am.

He will outline the Victorian Government’s plans for climate change, water and sustainability from the perspective of social justice in rural areas.

Jointly sponsored by Indigo Shire Council, La Trobe University Beechworth and WAW Credit Union, the Kerferd Oration has become a much-anticipated event in North East Victoria.

The Kerferd Oration was first held in 2003 as part of celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary of the naming of Beechworth. It has continued each year in honour of George Briscoe Kerferd (1831-1889) – a Beechworth resident who became the Premier of Victoria and a Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Past orators have included the Chief Justice of Victoria John Harber Phillips AC in 2003, prominent Children’s Court Magistrate Barbara Holborow OAM in 2004, Alzheimer’s International President Professor Henry Brodaty AO in 2005, and last year more than 300 people gathered to hear Cathy McGowan AO deliver her oration titled Beechworth – our common wealth?

In the lead up to this year’s Oration five discussion nights will be held in Beechworth. Each night will feature a local speaker with a particular focus on climate change. See related links below for details.

Indigo Shire Council Mayor Peter Graham said the Kerferd Oration and associated discussion nights were an important event for not only Beechworth residents but the whole North East community.

“It is vital that passionate and open discussions are fostered within the community – particularly on the issue of climate change,” he said.

La Trobe University Beechworth Director Brian Millar said the fact the Oration and discussions could attract such high-calibre speakers was a tribute to the way the community has embraced the event.

“I encourage everyone to get involved in the 2007 program. All events are free and no RSVP is necessary,” he said.

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Funding boost for local communities and Emergency Serices

“Local communities and emergency services volunteers in North-East Victoria have received a huge funding boost in the fourth funding round of the Howard Government’s Working Together to Manage Emergencies initiative,” Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, said today.

This year, seven projects across the Indi electorate will receive grants designed to develop self-reliance at both the community and local government levels.

“I welcome the Howard Government’s assistance, and I am pleased that this goes towards fulfilling a Coalition election commitment in 2004,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“This funding is about supporting local governments and volunteer organisations at the front line of emergency management.”

“It will assist local communities in a real and practical way to develop strategies to improve emergency management and build safer sustainable communities.”

Some 500,000 people in Australia volunteer their services in some emergency management capacity, and 350,000 of those are directly involved in emergency first response, principally through the Country Fire Authority and the State Emergency Service.

The successful projects were:
  • Alpine Shire - Alpine FloodSmart - $50,000
  • Benalla Rural City Council - Construction of Accessible Toilet and Change Room Facilities - $44,218
  • Wangaratta Rural City Council - Wangaratta Community FloodSmart - $51,000
  • Wodonga City Council - Wodonga Community StormSmart Phase Two - $51,000
  • CFA – Beechwood Urban Fire Brigade - Computer Training Aids - $6,000
  • CFA – Benalla Urban Fire Bridge - Brigade Training - $6,883
  • St John’s Ambulance - Computer Equipment Upgrade for Benalla First Aid Service Division - $4,000
Total - $213,101

“The successful projects will make a real contribution to improving emergency response activities in our region,” Mrs Mirabella said.

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Bee enquiry buzzing about Wangaratta

“I am pleased to bring the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee to Wangaratta to give local bee keepers an important voice in the development of this important industry,” Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, said today.

The House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is currently conducting an inquiry into the future development of the Australian honey bee industry. As part of this inquiry, Mrs Mirabella has worked to bring the committee to Wangaratta to hear directly from key stakeholders in the industry here in the North-East.

“The honey bee industry faces a number of challenges in the future, including overseas competition, the risk of imported diseases, land planning regulations, and urban sprawl,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“Currently, Australia is the only bee keeping nation in the world without the Varroa Mite. The Varroa Mite, a parasitic mite that attacks honey bees, is expected to enter Australia in the future, and is likely to reduce the commercial and wilde bee populations.”

“Apiarists need to start work now to reduce the likely future impact of the mite to some degree, but no one can protect the wild bee population. This will have a wide ranging effect on other industries such as fruit growers that depend on bee pollination.”

“To help combat this future threat throughout the agricultural economy, Governments need to take action now to encourage the growth of commercial bee populations to compensate for the forecast reduction in wild bee populations. This means rethinking restrictive land use regulations, and calls into question the State Government’s ‘lock up and leave it’ mentality to national parks,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“It is increasingly clear that the Melbourne-focused State Government’s plot to lock up large tracts of land is having a variety of previously unforseen consequences, and it is important that the Bracks Government reverses its current position.”

“A number of bee sites destroyed in the 2003 bushfires have not been replaced, at a time when we need increased bee sites just to maintain the current levels of cross pollination throughout the agricultural sector,” Mrs Mirabella said.

At today’s public hearing at Wangaratta’s Gateway Hotel, evidence has been received from the Victorian Apiarists Association, the Victorian Farmers’ Federation, the Central Victorian Apiarists Association, Beechworth Honey founder Jodie Goldsworthy and individual beekeepers from the North-East, New South Wales and Ballarat.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

$900,000 upgrade for Cathedral College

Staff and students at Cathedral College in Wangaratta will benefit with Pat Farmer opening new state-of-the-art facilities worth $900,000 today.

“The College can continue to develop its stimulating learning programmes, now that it is better equipped to provide its 202 students with the best possible learning experience,” Mr Farmer said.

“This is an important investment to build the strength of our local schools, and will bring significant benefits to the local community,” Mrs Mirabella said.

The project included the construction of a new science laboratory and preparation room, an Information Technology laboratory, two large classrooms, a seminar room, a sports store room and two staff office areas.

“The Howard Government contributed $550,000 through the Capital Grants Programme and the school community made a significant contribution of $351,126,” Mr Farmer said.

“A school should be a place where teachers and the community work together with all levels of government, to give young people the skills and knowledge that will help them fulfil their dreams.

“The Howard Government has allocated as estimated $9.7 billion for schools and students nationally in 2007-08. This includes an estimated $871 million for capital works and infrastructure.”

There has never been a period of greater investment in our schools.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

GMW - Mokoan piping costs unknown

The Bracks Government’s mismanagement of the planned decommissioning of Lake Mokoan has reached another low with the statement this week that the costs of piping water to people who currently pump direct from Lake Mokoan “are yet to be determined”.

This is another example of either gross incompetence and/or ongoing deceit by GMW, DSE & GBCMA with the Mokoan Decommissioning Project.

This statement, in response to a request under the FOI Act, comes on the heels of two refusals to provide information on increased flood risks (reason given - terrorism risks) and several other refusals for reasons such as, “don’t have the time”; “don’t have the information”; or “not in the public interest”.

How can a Government agency justify its decision to decommission Lake Mokoan in preference to leaving it as is, or building a mini Lake Mokoan when it is clear that its original cost benefit estimates, which favoured decommissioning, were based on flawed and incomplete information?

It is particularly galling to be told that the Government doesn’t have this information at a time when they have been pressuring the advocates of Mini Mokoan to provide costings for exactly the same project so that their proposal can be considered as a possible alternative to decommissioning.

This is another example of unbelievable hypocrisy on the part of GMW and GBCMA & DSE.

This is not an isolated case. The Government’s estimated cost of rehabilitating the wetlands was $1 million. Further Government funded studies have calculated this to be between $24 million and $33 million!

I call on the Minister for Water to sack the Mokoan Decommissioning Project Team and others who have been party to flawed decisions and the associated withholding of information and deliberate peddling of half truths and lies.

I further call on the Government to listen to the local community and either leave the Lake as it is and make water savings by managing it as it was originally intended or implementing the Mini Lake Mokoan proposal developed by the local community.

Yours sincerely

Member for Benalla

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wangaratta to swing to jazz master's beat

ONE of the world's leading bassists, Dave Holland, will be the headline international act at this year's Wangaratta Jazz Festival. Holland will perform at the festival in November with his American quintet, featuring Chris Potter (saxophone), Robin Eubanks (trombone), Steve Nelson (vibraphone) and Nate Smith (drums).

Festival artistic director Adrian Jackson launched this year's program in Melbourne yesterday, and is clearly thrilled to have Holland as part of the event.

The British-born bassist, composer and bandleader came to prominence in the late 1960s when he moved to the US to work with Miles Davis. He recorded his first album in the early 1970s, and is still producing music that sounds fresh and relevant.

Jackson says he was lucky enough to see Holland perform when the bassist last toured Australia in 1979, and has followed his career with interest since.

"He's an incredible bass player, with a phenomenal command of the instrument and great musical instincts as an improviser and soloist," Jackson says. "He writes tunes that are interesting for the players and the listeners. And as a bandleader, he's always had really strong musicians in his bands.

"So to have Holland play at Wangaratta is genuinely exciting — especially with this quintet, because they're all first-rate musicians. It's not just a project that's been put together to play at a festival or two. It's a working band of long standing, and I'm confident we're really going to see jazz at the highest level."

... read full Age story here

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Sykes ups pipeline pressure in Parliament

Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, and his National colleagues took the fight over the North-South Pipeline to Spring Street this week.

The National Party presented anti North-South Pipeline petitions bearing over 14,000 signatures to Parliament today.

This follows over 50 Notices of Motion, which condemn the Bracks Government for its deceitful, dishonest conduct in developing the plan to pipe water to Melbourne.

Water issues were also the subject of numerous questions to the Government and raised in debate at every opportunity by The Nationals.

Dr Sykes said, “It is clear that the ‘B Double’ (Mr Bracks & Mr Brumby) have misread public sentiment on piping water to Melbourne.”

“It is also clear that these plans have been in the pipeline for over 18 months in spite of repeated assurances by Mr Bracks that no water would be piped from Northern Victoria to Melbourne.”

Dr Sykes continued, “It is also clear that Mr Brumby’s assurance of a maximum of 75GL being pumped each year is a deliberate under estimate.

“And, most disturbingly, it is clear that the claimed water savings will be very difficult to achieve and in all probability Melbourne’s thirst for water will be quenched at the expense of the people and environment in Northern Victoria.”

Dr Sykes concluded, “I urge everyone to register their disapproval by signing petitions which will continue to be available and to write or email Mr Bracks informing him directly of their concerns.

“Remember, ‘whisky is for drinking and water is for fighting over’ and the Bracks Government has one hell of a fight on its hands.”

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Nationals call for country education enquiry

A National Party call for a Parliamentary Inquiry into higher education participation rates has the support of the Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes.

Dr Sykes said, “The National Party initiative is in response to the ongoing statistics which show lower year 12 completion rates (69% v’s 85%) and lower university enrolments (34% vs 52%) by country students compared with city students”.

“I have used my position on the Public Accounts and Estimates Parliamentary Committee to raise this issue with the Ministers for Education and Education Services on several occasions.”

“I raised the issue again this week in Parliament highlighting issues such as poor school building maintenance contributing to an unfavourable learning environment in country secondary schools and the costs associated with travel and living away from home for country students attending tertiary education.”

Dr Sykes continued, “Peter Hall, The Nationals Education spokesperson, has proposed the inquiry. He is a former teacher. This professional background plus the experience of raising a family and representing people in Gippsland in the Upper House of the Victorian Parliament, makes Mr Hall well qualified to raise this issue which is so important to people living in country Victoria.”

I am pleased that there is ‘all Party’ support for the proposal and that the inquiry will proceed.

As is the case with Parliamentary Inquiries I would expect that the public will be invited to make written submissions and to participate in public hearings.

Further information will be provided, as it becomes available.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

MPs to hear of sticky time for apiarists

The House of Representatives is to convene a meeting in Wangaratta, Victoria, next week where it will hear from apiarists and others connected to the industry.

"The honey bee industry in Victoria is facing a crisis. Loss of access to floral resources on public land has been compounded by the damage done by last summer's wildfires," committee chairman Alby Schultz said in a statement.

"Many apiary sites have been lost, and some of our best honey producing forests and woodlands will take years to recover.

"This has occurred at a time when the industry needs to expand to meet the pollination requirements of agriculture worth billions of dollars."

Witnesses expected to give evidence include representatives of the Victorian Apiarists' Association, the Victorian Farmers Federation, the Central Victorian Apiarists' Association, and founder and director of Beechworth Honey Jodie Goldsworthy.

Mr Schultz said the honey bee industry needed access to native vegetation for honey production and conditioning hives before and after pollination.

"The industry cannot survive without it. Governments, industry and land managers must work together to ensure access to floral resources for the sake of honey producers and pollination dependent industries."

He said better land and fire management was essential to the honey bee industry and agriculture in general.

"Land managers must take the needs of bees into account when clearing, burning and replanting land," Mr Schultz said.

Reprinted from the The West Australian - 16 July 07

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Rebates for solar hot water systems for North East homes

Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, is encouraging residents of the North-East to find out more about how the Australian Government’s $252.2 million Solar Hot Water Rebate can help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and save on energy costs.

Rebates of $1000 are available to households to install eligible solar and heat pump water heaters in their homes.

“Solar and heat pump hot water systems have higher installation but lower operating costs than electric systems,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“This initiative will help Australians overcome the initial costs and reduce the payback time for solar hot water systems which will help families save money in the longer term.”

“Hot water heating is the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions from the average Australian home.”

“By replacing high emission water heating technologies almost a million tonnes of greenhouse gases could be prevented from entering the atmosphere each year.”

“Typically, each system will reduce annual greenhouse emissions by 3-5 tonnes and will save households on average $300 in annual electricity costs.”

The rebates will be available to applicants who are replacing existing electric storage hot water systems with eligible solar or heat pump systems purchased and installed after 17 July 2007 as verified by a registered agent. The home must be a principal place of residence and the applicant’s taxable family income must be less than $100,000.

The initiative will work in conjunction with the existing renewable energy certificates available for Australian householders under the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target. The bonus is that now both renewable energy certificates and the rebate can be claimed.

It builds on other Howard Government measures to help people reduce their greenhouse gas emissions including rebates to help people install solar power systems (photovoltaics), rebates to install renewable energy generation equipment in remote parts of Australia, and the world-leading initiative to legislate to phase out inefficient light bulbs.

“I encourage local residents to visit the website to find out more information about the Solar Hot Water Rebate offer and see if they are eligible to apply,” Mrs Mirabella said.

For more information:

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Climate change initiatives good for the North East

Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, today welcomed the Prime Minister’s major announcement of climate change initiatives as being good for Australian communities as well as the environment.

“This $627 million package of practical new climate change measures has benefits for communities, for individual households and for the environment as a whole,” Mrs Mirabella said.
“These measures are aimed at preventing 87 million tonnes of climate changing carbon a year from entering the atmosphere by 2010, which is a massive reduction.”

“Most of the measures will impact directly on all of us living in the North East as the package includes $336 million for ‘green vouchers’ for schools to improve energy and water efficiency as well as $252 million for solar hot water system rebates.”

“For the North East this means that all of our schools will be eligible for a voucher of up $50,000 to help install solar hot water systems and rainwater tanks.”
“I am delighted that this will help our schools to reduce energy and conserve water. It will also give students and our school communities a first-hand lesson in how we can act locally to preserve the environment.”

“Residents will also be able to apply for $1000 rebates for replacing energy inefficient electric storage hot water systems with solar or heat pump hot water systems in existing homes.”
“Each system will reduce annual greenhouse emissions by 3-5 tonnes and will save households on average $300 in annual electricity costs, which is an excellent contribution to reducing our individual impacts on the environment – and reducing our household budgets as well.”

Mrs Mirabella also welcomed other initiatives announced by the Prime Minister including research into nuclear power technologies and a `cap and trade’ emissions trading system that would help Australia substantially lower domestic greenhouse gas emissions at the lowest cost.
The initiatives have increased the Howard Government’s total commitment to climate change to around $3.4 billion.

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$336 million Green Vouchers for Schools programme

Under the new programme, part of the Howard Government’s commitment to climate change action, funding of up to $50,000 is available to every school in Australia to help install rainwater tanks and solar hot water systems.

“Green Vouchers for Schools will help improve water and energy efficiency at schools across the country,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“This programme encourages awareness about energy and water consumption throughout the whole school community. By actively engaging students and their families, schools in the North-East can save water and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.”

Schools may choose whether to dedicate their funding to rainwater tanks, solar hot water system or both, depending on their individual needs.

“I encourage schools to carefully consider how they can make the most of this important Howard Government initiative by achieving the greatest water savings and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions possible,” Mrs Mirabella said.

Further information about Green Vouchers for Schools is available from or by phoning 1800 020 625. Schools can register their interest in redeeming their Green Voucher through the website.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Getting a handle on Murray Cod catches

DATE: Monday, July 16, 2007

Recreational anglers are providing valuable information to fisheries researchers as part of a Bracks Government project to learn more about Murray cod, one of Victoria’s most important inland recreational fish species, Minister Responsible for Fisheries, Joe Helper, said today.

Mr Helper said researchers from the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Snobs Creek centre had interviewed more than 640 anglers since the annual Murray cod season opened on December 1, 2006.

“The survey team has been collecting statistics from Murray cod anglers on what they have caught, where, by what method and how well the catch has been treated, especially those to be released,” Mr Helper said.

“From previous research we know large numbers of small Murray cod are released by anglers and by studying how they handle their cod before release we hope to learn more about how many of the released fish survive.”

The survey team has been working in areas on the Goulburn River, downstream of the Goulburn Weir, the Ovens River, downstream of Myrtleford and the Murray River between Yarrawonga and Torrumbarry wiers in NSW. Although the Murray River is NSW water, it is popular with Victorian freshwater anglers as is the lower Ovens and mid-Goulburn.

DPI senior science officer Paul Brown said anglers asked to recall their fishing between December 2006 and June this year estimated that 901 fishing trips yielded a catch of 2,272 Murray cod.

“A combination of the small size of most Murray cod caught and voluntary catch-and-release meant that approximately only 12 per cent of the catch was retained,” Mr Brown said.

“Anglers using bait made up around 90 per cent of those surveyed with the remainder using lures.”

Member for Seymour, also Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Ben Hardman said the survey work would continue until the end of August when the three-month closed season began and recommence on December 1 this year.

“During the next Murray cod season, from December this year until September 2008, the survey will be repeated in sites elsewhere on the Murray River and other Victorian rivers,” Mr Hardman said.

The project has received $111,500 from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account and contributions from Fisheries Victoria and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.

For more information about ‘Your Licence Fees at Work’ visit or ring the DPI Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Petitions flood in against Vic water pipeline

A petition opposing a proposed 70-kilometre pipeline linking Victoria's Goulburn Valley to Melbourne’s Sugarloaf Reservoir, is gaining momentum.

Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, said his office had already received anti-pipeline petitions with more than 5,500 signatures.

Petitions with “thousands more signatures” were expected to flood in during the next few days.

Meanwhile a WIN TV viewer opinion poll reportedly has 9pc against the pipeline and 4pc for the pipeline.

It follows anti-pipeline rallies at Kerang, Vic, and Shepparton, Vic, earlier this week.

Kerang rally organiser and Cohuna, Vic, dairy farmer, John Keely said rural communities supported the $2.2 billion plan to upgrade the aging Goulburn Murray irrigator infrastructure.

But they did not accept that the only way to fund the work was by giving away a slice of the water savings.

SOURCE: Extract of breaking news from report and analysis published in Stock & Land, Vic, July 12.

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Pipeline water savings - lies exposed

The Treasurer John Brumby’s lies about water savings available in the Goulburn Valley have been exposed according to Bill Sykes, Nationals Member for Benalla.

Dr Sykes said, “Mr Brumby has repeatedly claimed that the same water savings will be available ‘year in, year out’. That is a blatant lie.

The Victorian Government’s own publication, ‘Modernising Victoria’s Food Bowl’ reports modelling figures of water losses (potentially available for savings) as 870 GL in years of average inflow and 780 GL in dry years and the actual losses in the Goulburn Murray District in 2005/06, when there was 100% allocation, were 668 GL and in 2006/07, 548 GL when there was 29% allocation.

“Clearly the actual water losses are less than claimed for normal years and much less in dry years.

“This means that because Melbourne gets the first 75 GL of water either the environment and/or irrigators will miss out in dry years or more water will be drained from Lake Eildon.”

Dr Sykes continued, “This is just the tip of the iceberg. We also had Melbourne Water executives contradicting Mr Brumby’s claims that Melbourne’s future water needs will comfortably be met by the current water plan.

“Many more lies and half truths will be exposed in the pipeline plan as time progresses.”

Dr Sykes concluded, “It is critical that we make our voices heard. We will not tolerate being ridden rough shod over by a Melbourne centric, arrogant Labor Government that uses deceit and lies to steal water to make up for its failure to invest in water recycling and storm water capture in Melbourne during its eight years of Government.

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Letter to the Editor - Re: Mokoan water savings etc

I wish to respond to claims made in a recent media release by Goulburn Valley Environment Group (GVEG) in which they call on the Government to proceed with decommissioning Lake Mokoan.

Water Savings

It is generally agreed that around 50,000 ML of water is lost each year by evaporation from Lake Mokoan. Contrary to claims by the Government, not all of this can be saved.

Decommissioning Lake Mokoan will reduce losses to about 16,000 ML – from the residual Winton & Green swamps.

The proposed Mini Lake Mokoan will reduce losses to about 16,500 ML because it will not increase the water surface area of the swamp (it will just mean that a relatively small area will have water cover all year, every year instead of four years out of five if the lake is fully decommissioned.

Misinformation re flooding and other perceived negative impacts

I reject this claim – the Justice for the Broken Valley Group have spent tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours researching scientific data and drawing upon local knowledge to support their arguments.

Unfortunately, the Government Departments – GMW, DSE & GBCMA have been less thorough and have in fact been the ones guilty of withholding the truth and peddling half truths and lies to protect their argument which, since day one, has been based on flawed and incomplete information.

The debate on flood risk can be resolved easily. GMW just needs to make public the basic information on the inflows and outflows of Lake Nillahcootie during wet years.

Unfortunately, in spite of several verbal commitments to do so, they have failed to deliver – Why?

I encourage GVEG (and any other interested groups) to take up the Justice for the Broken Valley Group’s offer to brief them on their proposal compared with full decommissioning.

Then we can resume informed debate on this very important subject.

Yours sincerely
Bill Sykes MP
Member for Benalla

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New look for Wangaratta Centrelink

Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, today officially opened Centrelink’s improved Customer Service Centre in Wangaratta.

Mrs Mirabella said the office makeover for Wangaratta Centrelink enhances the delivery of vital Howard Government services to the local community.

“This fulfils the Howard Government’s commitment to make it simpler and easier for the community to do business with us,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“The office will continue to provide the usual high standard of service to the local community, but now in a more comfortable and modern environment.”

“The Wangaratta office is typical of the new face of Centrelink with an open-plan design, modern facilities and the latest customer information products.”

“The refurbishment will ensure customers can locate information and simple solutions that take a ‘whole of government’ approach.”

“Improved facilities, such as more accessible reception points will allow for greater customer privacy and comfort.”

“Furniture and décor has been updated, giving the office a fresh, open-plan and relaxed feel and waiting areas have also been expanded, with extra seating installed.”

Wangaratta Centrelink provides a full range of customer services including social workers and occupational psychologists, officers to connect people to jobs, education and training and the Centrelink Financial Information Service to assist people with their financial planning. The office also has rural services including an active outreach program to the rural community.

“Whether you are a drought affected farmer, a job seeker, retiree, student, parent or guardian, someone with a disability or a carer – everyone who needs help from the Howard Government will benefit from the improvements to Wangaratta Centrelink,” Mrs Mirabella said.

Mrs Mirabella also congratulated staff for the smooth transition during the refurbishment and their professional and dedicated approach to providing quality customer service.

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Wanted – N.E.Victoria’s nominations for the 2008 Senior of the Year

Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, today urged North-East residents to look to their local community in nominating older Australians for the 2008 Senior Australian of the Year. Nominees need to be aged 60 years and over, and have made outstanding contributions to the nation.

“By showcasing and celebrating the achievements of older Australians, the Senior Australian of the Year Award encourages Australians to develop positive attitudes about older people and their contribution to Australian society,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“This is a highly recognisable and increasingly popular award, with more than 1,000 nominations received nationally for last year’s award.”

“Clearly, there is strong recognition in the community of the contribution older Australians make. We all know older Australians in the North-East who are deserving of this award – people who inspire us, shape and enrich our community and make us proud as a nation. In many instances, older Australians are the backbone of vibrant communities around the nation, including here in the North-East. So make sure you nominate someone – it’s a wonderful initiative on your part and a wonderful honour for them.”

“The Senior Australian of the Year Award is a chance to acknowledge their work and achievements, and through them the work and lives of all senior Australians.”

Nominations for the Senior Australian of the Year Award close in late August. Judging will take place during September and October, with state and territory finalists announced at individual functions in November and December. The Senior Australian of the Year will be announced at a national presentation to be held in Canberra on the eve of Australia Day, 2008.

Nomination forms are available at your local Commonwealth Bank branch, Holiday Inn and National Seniors Association, or nominate online at and follow the links.

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Federal drought aid to lift community spirits

Communities in North East Victoria are being encouraged to apply for Howard Government grants of up to $3000 to help stage morale-lifting community events by Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi.

“The grants are available through the respected and hard-working Country Women’s Association (CWA) to raise the spirits of drought-ravaged communities,” said Mrs Mirabella.

“The drought, now in its sixth year in many areas, is having an unprecedented impact on our community. I recognise the terrible toll the drought continues to have in many parts of my electorate, and I will maintain my support through initiatives such as this community-building programme.”

“Local community groups will be able to apply for grants to help meet the cost of holding events such as school excursions, sporting activities, concerts or town barbeques. The grants are also available for groups wanting to organise drought forums focusing on the crucial issue of mental health.”

“I urge groups, schools and non-profit organisations to use this opportunity to stage activities that strengthen community bonds and help boost morale in drought-affected areas. Individual grants are still available through the CWA for families, but more than ever, we need to strengthen our communities.”

In May this year, the Howard Government announced it would provide an additional $8 million to the CWA to distribute emergency aid grants to farming communities and families struggling through the worst drought on record. This brings the Government’s drought assistance through the CWA to $16 million over the period of this drought.

Since November, more than 130 community organisations have been provided with grants through the CWA to arrange initiatives which assist drought-affected communities.

Further information is available at, or from the Victorian CWA office on (03) 9827 8971.

Information about Howard Government drought assistance is available online at or by calling the Drought Assistance Hotline on 13 23 16.

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Benalla flood risk cover up continues

Goulburn Murray Water (GMW)have refused another request under the Freedom of Information Act for information on flood risks due to changed operating rules for Lake Nillahcootie associated with the decommissioning of Lake Mokoan according to Nationals MP for Benalla, Bill Sykes.

This follows on from GMW’s refusal to agree to two separate requests for the information on the operation of Lake Nillahcootie and Lake Mokoan in relation to reducing the risks of flood to Benalla and downstream.

The most recent knock back relates to a request for information on the increased risk of the secondary spillway coming into operation as a result of Lake Nillahcootie being run full rather than having air space available during winter and spring to absorb heavy run off.

The secondary spillway is an earthen construction about two metres deep by 100metres wide which is designed to let go to save the main dam wall in the event of excessively rapid inflows to an already full Lake Nillahcootie.

Dr Sykes said, “If the secondary spillway “goes” there will be a wall of water rushing down the Broken with potentially very serious flooding.

“Questions about the management of Glenmaggie Weir in the recent Gippsland floods make it even more important for the risks to be made public.

“Apparently, water was not released from Glenmaggie Weir to create an air space in anticipation of the wall of water which was about to hit. [The reason given has been “The weir hadn’t reached a level at which water is allowed to be released!”].

Dr Sykes continued, “The reasons given by GMW for refusing to release the information are “endangering security” and “contrary to public interest”.

“I cannot believe that GMW (and GBCMA who have previously refused to provide the information) can continue to withhold information which is clearly in the publics’ interest.

“If there is no increased flood risk as repeatedly claimed by GMW & GBCMA, then they can win people’s confidence by making the base information available. On the other hand, if there is (as many people suspect) a significant increase in flood risk then decommissioning of Lake Mokoan must not proceed and a mini Lake Mokoan must be supported as it would provide ongoing flood risk protection as well as water savings and security of water supply for irrigators.”

Dr Sykes concluded, “As one very angry local said, “When this is all over, there will be a day of reckoning and those who have withheld the truth, peddled half truths and lies will be called to account.”

“In the meantime, I will continue my pursuit of the truth in the interest of communities of Benalla and the Broken Valley.”

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Wangaratta jobless figures fall over the last year

New figures released by Sophie Mirabella, the Federal Member for Indi, show that the number of people receiving unemployment benefits in Wangaratta fell by 3.1 per cent (65 people) between May 2006 and May 2007, as part of a national fall of 25 093 people (4.6 per cent).

Between May 2006 and May 2007, the number of job seekers associated with the Wangaratta Centrelink office (serving Wangaratta, Benalla, and Alpine Shires) fell by 3.1 per cent (65 people).

“Nationally, there are 15,431 fewer long-term unemployed welfare recipients, a fall of 4.7 per cent. These are people who have been receiving income support payments for 12 months or more,” Mrs Mirabella said.

Mrs Mirabella said the drop in unemployment benefit recipients reflected the strong performance of providers of Australian Government employment services, which help people to move from welfare into work.

“The Howard Coalition Government's strong economic management has resulted in the generation of over 2.1 million (2 124 600) new jobs since March 1996, over half (1 264 600) of which have been full-time positions,” Mrs Mirabella said.

The Job Network has helped over 647 500 people find a job in the twelve months to end May alone. Of these jobs, over 125 000 have been for young Australians, aged 20 years or less, 130 800 have been for mature aged job seekers (aged 45+ years) and 83 800 jobs have been found for Australians of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

As part of the $3.7 billion Welfare to Work package, the Howard Government is investing $1.9 billion to deliver greater employment services and other assistance, including rehabilitation, long- and short-term wage subsidies, funds to modify workplaces to meet the needs of people with disability, upskilling and training of job seekers, and additional child care places.

“These new figures reflect the success of the Howard Government’s approach to helping unemployed Australians find a job and we are dedicated to ensuring this continues,” Mrs Mirabella said.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Pipeline protest fails to break Bracks

Victorian Premier Steve Bracks is unmoved by farmer protests against his proposed pipeline from the Goulburn and Murray Valleys to Melbourne.

Mr Bracks says no one with full knowledge of the scheme would oppose it.

"I understand they have concerns, but once they understand and hear about the project, it's hard to imagine that anyone could oppose it," he said.

"Anyone who hears the case would have to say this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve the capacity of the water-supply system to the irrigators."

Mr Bracks appears to have neutralised the Victorian Farmers' Federation's opposition to the project.

The VFF expressed "strong opposition" to the plan at a conference last month.

But VFF president Simon Ramsay hinted earlier this week that the organisation could be "flexible".

Yesterday he released a statement saying he welcomed aspects of the project, after Mr Bracks promised that only savings generated by the scheme would be pumped to Melbourne.

But Mr Ramsay said the VFF remained officially opposed to the pipeline.

SOURCE: The Age, Melbourne.

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Opposition To Pipeline Unites The Bush

The Great Divide Pipeline is rapidly turning into a farce and an issue that is uniting country Victorians as never before.

We've been waiting for this - the big boilover that will demonstrate to this virulently anti-country government that enough is enough.

Yesterday's public rally at Shepparton showed up government claims of support for the proposal as lies. A lot of heat was generated to counter the hot air of the Bracks Government.
The rally destroyed claims that the Government and the Foodbowl Alliance had the support of northern Victorian farmers, irrigators and town residents to build the pipeline.

Sophie Mirabella, the federal member for Indi, went on the attack and identified trust as a major issue.

"Do you trust a Labor government that said before the election that they weren't going to pipe water from north of the Great Dividing Range to Melbourne?" she asked.

"These are the people who quite famously during a previous rally were called 'the bastards who buggered the bush', and they're continuing to try and do it."

National Party MP Peter Walsh said the pipeline was a con, and that a lot of the water Melbourne needed could be obtained by harvesting and recycling storm water.

What wasn't mentioned is that water yield in to the Goulburn system will be lower for years to come as catchment forests, burnt last summer, recover.

State Opposition leader, Ted Baillieu, accused the Premier, Steve Bracks, of being deceitful in his treatment of country Victoria, and demanded the state sign the Commonwealth Government water agreement.

"It's a pipeline of panic and a con of this community," he said.

Mr Bracks dismissed the protest as a stunt and said irrigators would not oppose the plan once they fully understood it which was bit like saying he might oppose it once he fully understood it, which he does not.

"Anyone who hears the case would have to say this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve the capacity for irrigators," he claimed.

That claim is based on the fact that the plan involves repairing leaking infrastructure and making more water available. However, the state government has a responsibility to carry out that critically needed work even if there is no pipeline involved.

Making the maintainence and repair of infrastructure conditional upon the theft of a region's water is administrative blackmail.

Around 1000 people attended the rally from as far afield as Eildon and the Campaspe River despite the wet and windy conditions.

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Anti pipeline petitions flood in

Petitions against the North-South Pipeline which will transfer water from the Goulburn River to Melbourne are flooding into the office of Bill Sykes, Member for Benalla.

Dr Sykes said, “We already have thousands of signatures on the petition against the pipeline but we need thousands more. Signed petitions need to be returned to my office by 13 July so that I can table them in Parliament on 17 July.

“More copies of the petition are available from my office by phoning 5762 2100.”

Dr Sykes continued, “There is a massive and growing wave of public opinion against the pipeline. Over 600 people attended an anti pipeline rally at Shepparton yesterday and they were unanimous in their opposition to the pipeline whilst calling on the Government to fund much needed water savings projects in the Northern Irrigation area.

“Those people who support the pipeline as part of the water infrastructure package have been conned into accepting second best because the Federal Government’s National Water Plan will provide more money for water savings with all savings staying in the Murray Darling Basin for the benefit of irrigators and the environment on a 50/50 basis.

“Supporters of the pipeline proposal also have misplaced trust in the Bracks Government to deliver on its commitment to deliver water savings rather than just put in the pipeline and start sucking water from the north – keeping in mind that irrigators have zero water allocation for season 2007/08.

“The Bracks Government’s track record of broken promises would make most thinking people be extremely careful in accepting their spoken or written commitment on anything.

“Can you believe that if the Bracks Government is faced with Melbourne ‘running dry’ that they will not pump water to Melbourne regardless of the impact on Lake Eildon and irrigators and communities dependent on it for water for their livelihoods?

Dr Sykes concluded, “This will not be an easy fight but we must make it clear that country Victorians will not accept their water being stolen by a city centric, inept Government which has failed to invest in recycling plants and storm water recapture over the past eight years to secure Melbourne’s burgeoning demand for water.

“Whisky is for drinking and water is for fighting over and we are prepared to fight to the end.”

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pipeline Rally says Bracks must listen and act

“The huge turn out at the rally to oppose Steve Bracks’ plot to take water out of the Goulburn Murray system is a clear sign that the proposed pipeline must not go ahead,” the Federal Member for Indi, Sophie Mirabella said, after serving as the MC of the rally.

“This is an issue of trust – the same people who claimed before the election that there would be no pipeline to Melbourne are now building a pipeline to Melbourne. The same mob that is destroying Lake Mokoan and Honeysuckle Creek Reservoir are now asking us to trust them to protect our water supplies.”

“This is becoming a recurring habit that Labor is using to hurt the North-East – Labor says one thing before an election and another thing after the election.”

“Mere weeks ago they said that water savings would be equally distributed between Melbourne, the environment and irrigators, and they are now saying that Melbourne is their first priority.”

“I can only shudder at the damage that the State Labor Government could wreak on North-East Victoria without the Federal Coalition Government to act as a check and a balance,” said Mrs Mirabella.

Despite the heavy rain and last minute location change over 800 people crammed into the function centre at Shepparton’s Eastbank complex to protest and declare that they refuse to accept water piped from the Goulburn System to Melbourne.

“People travelled for hours to protest from Wangaratta, Wodonga, Tallangatta, Myrtleford, Mansfield, Benalla, Healesville and Yarrawonga. Virtually every State and Federal Member of Parliament representing Northern Victoria was in attendance. Speakers included Victorian Liberal Party Leader Ted Baillieu, Federal Members Fran Bailey and Sharman Stone and Water Services representative, Jamie Craig.”

“The crowd passed two motions unanimously, one by Eril Rathjen of Colbinabbin which was ‘Stop the pipeline now – Just fix up our irrigation system’.”

“The other motion moved by Ken Patterson of Boort was to declare that ‘The Food Bowl Unlimited, the Northern Victorian Irrigators Inc. and the VFF are not authorised to speak on behalf of Goulburn Murray system irrigators, businesses and the communities of Northern Victoria’.”

“The fact is we have the Howard Government’s $10 Billion 10 Point plan on the table right now which will fund upgrades to the Goulburn and Murray systems as well as on-farm water saving works. The offer has been on the table for Victoria to sign for six months.”

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Rally against the "Great Divide" pipeline

Around 800 people who attended the rally at Shepparton today voted unanimously to reject a pipeline to Melbourne and support water infrastructure upgrades.

The meeting also unanimously supported a motion declaring the Goulburn Valley Food Bowl Alliance, Northern Victorian Irrigators Inc and appointed VFF negotiators didn’t represent the views of irrigators and the communities in Northern Victoria.

Nationals MP for Benalla, Bill Sykes, attended the meeting along with several other Nationals MPs and State and Federal Liberal Party MPs.

Dr Sykes said, “The outcome of this meeting should send a loud message to Mr Brumby and Mr Bracks – 800 people voted against the proposed pipeline compared with 106 who voted for continued involvement in the whole project (not the pipeline specifically) at the Northern Victoria Irrigators Inc Meeting on Monday, 2 July 2007.

“Two themes recurred during the series of speakers by Liberal and Nationals MPs and a local water resources committee representative – ‘You can’t trust the Bracks Government’ and ‘Are the claimed water savings really available?’

Nationals Deputy Leader, Peter Walsh, highlighted a trail of broken promises by the Bracks Government and Liberal Party Leader, Ted Baillieu reinforced the broken promises an took a very strong stand against the pipeline – pointing the Bracks Government to other water savings options such as recycling Melbourne’s waste water and capturing some of its storm water.

Dr Sykes concluded, “It is clear that we have a battle on our hands. The Bracks Government have been extremely slick and deceitful in the management of this whole process. We need to harness the skills and experience used to successfully defeat the Bracks Government’s Toxic Dump plans for North East Victoria. We need to force them to make savings South of the Divide and sign up to the National Water Plan to achieve savings North of the Divide – all of which will stay North of the Divide, split evenly 50/50 irrigators and environment.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sykes welcomes hospital funding

The Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, has welcomed the announcement of funding boosts to hospitals across the Benalla Electorate.

“This funding announcement is very welcome however the viability of our hospitals is still critical,” Dr Sykes said.

“A number of Hospitals across the Benalla Electorate have received a funding boost but Victoria’s public hospital finances continue to place an unnecessary load on the health system under the Bracks Government.”

“The recent Auditor-General’s report Public Hospital Financial Performance and Sustainability noted ‘consistent unfavourable trends or results over the six years to 2006’ within the public hospital system.

“The report warned that one of the key risks to the health and wealth of this State is the financial viability of our public hospitals,” Dr Sykes said.

Dr Sykes said there were a number of country hospitals across Victoria which were struggling to stay afloat.

“The Benalla & District Memorial Hospital will receive a 7 percent increase while Alpine Health will receive a 4.9 percent increase. The Alexandra District Hospital will receive a 4.1 percent increase and the Mansfield District Hospital a 5.2 percent increase.

Dr Sykes concluded, “We need to increase the funding to hospitals in rural and regional Victoria to ensure the continued delivery of health services to country areas”.

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Wangaratta's big hospital funding boost

Northeast Health Wangaratta has had its bottom-line budget funding increased by 88.9 per cent since the Bracks Government came into office, Health Minister Bronwyn Pike announced today.

Announcing hospital budget increases for 2007/08, Ms Pike said Victorian hospitals continue to enjoy nearly doubled funding since 1999.

Ms Pike said Victoria’s overall hospital budget bottom line has increased by 91 per cent under the Bracks Government, with 15 hospitals and health services receiving more than doubled budgets, including five of the major metropolitan health services – Eastern, Northern, Peninsula, Southern and Western.

She said Victoria’s hospitals will get a combined $5.128 billion in recurrent acute funding – up by $308.9 million on the previous year, an overall increase of 6.4 per cent.

Northeast Health Wangaratta will receive bottom-line budget funding of $54.714 million – up by $2.736 million, or 5.3 per cent, on what it was given last year.

Ms Pike said this year’s funding was a massive $25.745 million more than it was given in 1999/2000.

“The Bracks Government is committed to providing a first class health system, which means investing in our hospitals to ensure all Victorians have access to high-quality healthcare,” Ms Pike said.

“Hospital budgets are now in the black, they continue to be rated as the best in Australia and 58 hospitals have been rebuilt or upgraded as part of our $3.7 billion capital works program, the largest health construction program in Victoria’s history.”

Ms Pike said funding was being directed to hospitals serving the needs of growing populations, such as Northern Health which has received a budget bottom line boost of 139.1 per cent, from $84.08 million in 1999/2000 to $201 million for the 07/08 financial year.

And the Royal Children’s Hospital this year will get $236.97 million – $55.5 million more than the $181.5 million the Royal Children’s and Royal Women’s combined received in 1999, after they were forced into a merger during the Kennett years. The Royal Women’s Hospital has been allocated $119 million.

“The Budget provided a total $1.9 billion boost for health, and this bottom-line funding for our hospitals is a vital part of that boosted commitment,” Ms Pike said.

“The Bracks Government is responding to the growth in demand for hospital services by this extra funding. At the last election, we promised to invest in the services that matter to Victorian families, and today’s announcement shows we are delivering on that commitment.

“This includes $49.5 million this year to expand elective surgery at public hospitals, provide an additional 6000 elective patients with their operations and reduce the time to treatment.

“A further $66.7 million provides for an extra 22,000 emergency and maternity admissions to our hospitals over the next year, and an extra $7 million will enable them to treat another 58,000 patients in the ED.

“The extra funding over the next year will enable hospitals to focus on streamlining services for emergency patients – which the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare in its Australian Hospital Statistics 2005/06 and the Federal Government in its State of our public hospitals both say are already the best-performed in Australia.

Ms Pike said the funding would guide the Bracks Government’s continued expansion and modernisation of Victoria’s hospitals.

“We are turning around our health system by significantly increasing hospital budgets, so that patients get the support and treatment they need, close to home,” she said.

The allocations include an extra $13.3 million to meet and manage growing demand for services including renal dialysis, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and blood services, and $3 million to expand chronic disease management services in country Victoria.

The bottom line operating budgets exclude capital funding and non-recurrent expenditure.

Ms Pike said this year’s Budget provided a further $525 million in capital funding for new and redeveloped health facilities.

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Free computers for community groups

The Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, is encouraging not-for-profit community organisations throughout the Benalla Electorate to participate in round four of the Joint Community Computer Project sponsored by THALES AUSTRALIA (formerly ADI Limited, Benalla).

Dr Sykes said THALES AUSTRALIA have once again donated another 20 computers to be available for distribution through the program. So far the program has distributed a total of over 60 computers to community groups in the Benalla Electorate.

Over the last year 20 computers were donated to a variety of community organisations including: Nagambie Speedway, Benalla Theatre Company, Benalla Pistol Club, Ovens Valley Action Group, Benalla SES, Mansfield Historical Society, CVGT Community Radio, Mansfield Community Shed, Wangaratta Family History Group, Wangaratta Players Inc, Anglicare, Wangaratta Historical Society, Waminda Neighbourhood House, Open Door Neighbourhood House, Guardian Angels Support Group, Warby Range Landcare and the Community Group for Woods Point Inc.

Dr Sykes said he was delighted THALES AUSTRALIA had once again sponsored the successful community project.

“We received a terrific response to last year’s project and the feedback from community groups was extremely pleasing,” he said.

“Through this project, we have been able to make a real difference to many organisations throughout the Benalla Electorate, making it easier for them to continue their fantastic service to local communities,” he said.

“We are grateful to THALES AUSTRALIA for their continued support of the project.”

The computers, which are surplus to THALES Australia’s needs, are donated without software or CD-Rom drives.

Dr Sykes said computers will be issued to organisations who meet the selection criteria and stand to benefit most.

Community groups interested in applying for one of the computers are asked to write a letter stating the reasons why they would benefit from the project.

We would also personally like to thank Des Henry, General Manager and Glen Longton the Systems Manager from THALES for their continuing support of this community project.

Letters can be sent to Joint Community Computer Project, 2/55 Carrier Street, Benalla, 3672.

For further details about the project, contact Bill Sykes’ Electorate Office on 5762 2100.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

One-stop consumer help centre for broadband

“BroadbandNow - a one-stop consumer help centre offering a unique broadband information service to all Australians was launched today,” the Federal Member for Indi, Sophie Mirabella, said today.

“BroadbandNow is especially relevant for people living and working in regional and remote Australia who do not have ready access to information concerning access to broadband,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“It is critical for consumers to have access to the most up-to-date broadband information in a centralised location.

“BroadbandNow will provide telephone and web information to assist consumers understand the technology options available to them and provide information about how to get connected,” Mrs Mirabella said.

BroadbandNow has a dedicated website ( which will include a broadband service locator for consumers to identify the various broadband services available to them at their premises.

BroadbandNow also includes a call centre to respond to consumer enquiries, particularly for those without an existing Internet service. The BroadbandNow hotline can be accessed on 1800 883 488, Monday to Friday 8am-9pm EST.

BroadbandNow will provide information for consumers on all sorts of broadband topics including: how to obtain access to broadband; what each of the various broadband technologies means for consumers; and whether individual consumers are eligible for government assistance programs such as the Australian Broadband Guarantee.

BroadbandNow is part of the Australian Government’s Australia Connected initiative announced recently which commits to providing fast affordable broadband access to all Australians, no matter where they live.

Australia Connected is a three-part program and contains the following elements:

  • A new national high speed wholesale network: OPEL, a joint venture between Optus and rural group Elders will extend high speed broadband to 99 per cent of households and business by June 2009 using a mix of fibre optic, ADSL2+ and state-of–the-art wireless broadband;
  • A new commercial fibre optic network: Facilitating a fibre build in cities and larger regional centres via a competitive bids process and subsequent legislation;
  • Australian Broadband Guarantee: A program providing subsidised broadband for very remote locations (the remaining one per cent of the population) that may not be covered by the new regional network; and
  • Preservation of the $2 billion Communications Fund: To ensure the funds are protected in perpetuity by legislation for the benefit of regional and rural Australians and to provide for an income stream for future service upgrades.

“This new super fast network is fully costed, Australia wide and will reach many Australian homes and small businesses within a matter of months,” Mrs Mirabella said.

“It’s now been over 100 days since the Labor Party released their broadband plan with nothing more than a flimsy press release.”

Mrs Mirabella said the Coalition Government has challenged the Labor Party to provide the costings, coverage maps and technical information about their broadband proposal for the full scrutiny of the Australian public.

“It’s clear Labor don’t have a genuine broadband strategy for Australians beyond our major capital cities. Their plan continues to be light on detail with no technical backing and yet another example of their inability to be economically responsible.

“If Labor thinks they can spend almost $5 billion of taxpayers’ money with no more detail or accountability than a mere press release, then this is just another example why they don’t have the experience to be trusted with Australia’s trillion dollar economy.”

“While Australia waits for Labor’s costings, the Coalition Government will get on with the job of supplying the best possible broadband services to the people of Australia,” Mrs Mirabella said.

BroadbandNow website:
BroadbandNow Hotline: 1800 883 488

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