The Rural City of Wangaratta March Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 18th April at the Council Chambers.
Following are the agenda items raised by the administrative beauracracy together with their recommendations for our elected Councillors to discuss and vote upon.
Agenda items of note are the councils response to the C26 planning scheme amendment, the letting of the Library construction contract and the Fees and Charges review. It is interesting to see the anti-flouride lobby group tableing their petition this month. It will sit on the table for a month when council will discuss any action at the May meeting - just one month before fluoride is planned to be introduced to Wangaratta's water.
The council's response to the C26 planning scheme amendment would indicate that new development concepts in the RCoW have to go on the back-burner until this mess is sorted out.
With the need to carry out any necessary additional investigations and further work to get ministerial approval for Part 1 of the amendment, carrying out a Land Capability Assessment in Waldara, and waiting on the state government to get reticulated water and sewage in Milawa, Oxley and Glenrowan, new development may be halted for a year or more.
It is recommended that you download the full discussion agenda paper and attachments (pdf) from the RCoW website by clicking the RCoW logo above. RECEPTION OF PETITION – SPEED CHRISTENSEN LANE, WANGARATTARecommendation:That the petition regarding the speed limit and lighting along Christensen Lane, Wangaratta be received and that a report on the matter be presented to the 16 May 2006 meeting of the Council. RECEPTION OF PETITION – FLUORIDATION OF WATER IN WANGARATTARecommendation:That the petition regarding fluoridation of Wangaratta's water supply be received and that a report on the matter be presented to the 16 May 2006 meeting of the Council. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERRecommendation:1. That Council appoint Mr Douglas Sharp to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Wangaratta Rural City Council effective from 24 April 2006 on a performance based contract of employment for a fixed term of three (3) years, with an option to extend the employment contract for a further period of two (2) years by mutual agreement.
2. That the Contract of Employment between Council and Mr Douglas Sharp be signed and sealed by Council at the appropriate stage of the meeting. PUBLIC HOLIDAY - MELBOURNE CUP: 7 NOVEMBER 2006Recommendation:1. That the public submissions on the proposed Melbourne Cup Day public holiday be received.
2. That Council declare a full day public holiday on Tuesday, 7 November 2006, in accordance with the Public Holidays Act 1993.
3. That public notification be given in the local media and the Government Gazette on the Council’s declaration of a full day public holiday on Tuesday, 7 November 2006.
4. That notification be given to local banks, building societies, Australia Post, Wangaratta Turf Club, local parliamentarians and the Business Wangaratta on the action taken by Council in this matter. 2006/2007 FEES AND CHARGES REVIEWRecommendation:That subject to further review, the proposed fees and charges for 2006/2007 as outlined in this report be adopted by Council, effective from 1 July 2006 (unless otherwise stated in the report). COMMUNITY GRANTS APPLICATIONS:Recommendations:That Council:
1. Submit an application for funding for works at the Peechelba Bushland Reserve to the Small Towns Development Program
2. Allocate a sum of $4750 from its Rural Towns Development Program to the Peechelba Bushland Reserve Committee as a funding contribution to this application.
3. That a grant of $500 be made to offset the cost of hire of the Town Hall for the Jennifer Bromley Fundraising Appeal concert. CONTRACT NO. C0506/010 - SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF TIPPING TRUCK Recommendation:1. That the tender received from Twin City Truck Centre for Contract C0506/010, being for the supply and delivery of an Isuzu GIGA 385CXZ fitted with a Nelmac tipping body of $162,818. (incl GST) be accepted by Council.
2. That the quote from Twin City Truck Centre of $35,000 (incl GST) for the trade-in (Hino GH Super Eagle tipping truck) be accepted.
3. That Contract C0506/010 be signed and sealed by Council when available. CULTURAL SERVICES REPORT FEBRUARY/MARCH 2006Recommendation:For Councillor information. TWO LOT RESUBDIVISION - 1 MEGAN COURT and 15 FIRBANK DRIVE WALDARARecommendation:That application 05-042 for a two lot resubdivision of land at lot 3 and lot 4 PS 316388 Parish of Wangaratta, 1 Megan Court and 15 Firbank Drive, Wangaratta, be approved and a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit issued subject to the (specified) conditions: PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 05/315 – 3 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION – LOT PS, 140 OLD HUME HIGHWAY, GLENWROWANRecommendations:That Planning Permit Application No. 05-314 for the 3 lot subdivision of C.A. 5 Section 41 Township of Glenrowan being 140 Old Glenrowan Road be approved and that a Notice of Decision to Issue a Permit be issued subject to the (specified) conditions: CONSTRUCTION OF A CHILDCARE CENTRERecommendation:That application 05-305 for the use and development of a 65 place child care centre at Lots 158, 159 and 162 PS530516G, Collyn-Dale Drive and Peacock Place, Wangaratta, be approved and that a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit be issued subject to the (specified) conditions: PART 2 AMENDMENT C26 PANEL REPORT – REVIEW OF THE WANGARATTA PLANNING SCHEMERecommendation:That Council resolve the following:
1. Generally agree to the minor changes to the Part 1 Amendment C26 documentation as recommended by the Part 2 Panel. Endorse continued liaison with the DSE to resolve these outstanding matters and undertake modification to the Part 1 Amendment C26 documentation as may be necessary to achieve this.
2. Continue to work closely with the DSE regional office, including carrying out any necessary additional investigations and further work as may be required, with a view to the following:
a. Continue to progress Part 1 of Amendment C26 to obtain Ministerial approval as soon as possible.
b. Retaining some Residential 1 Zone land in west Wangaratta, particularly to the west of Christensen’s Lane, ideally with a minimum 15 year supply beyond the current, existing Residential 1 Zone land supply in this area (including land in Part 1 Amendment C26).
c. Carrying out a Land Capability Assessment to enable retention of the proposed Low Density Residential Zone with 1 hectare minimum rezonings in Waldara.
d. Continue to progress the rezonings in Milawa, Oxley and Glenrowan and the preparation of Structure Plans for the Development Plan Overlay in light of the recent funding announcements for reticulated sewer/water.
3. Council resolve to agree with the Part 2 Amendment C26 Panel with regard to the following matters:
a. No changes to the amendment with regard to submissions that requested a different zone be applied to that exhibited or a change to the existing zone (Submitters 2.1, 2.3 to 2.16, 5.1, 5.4, 5.8 to 5.12, 5.18 and 5.21).
b. Confirm Council’s agreement to undertake an Agricultural Land Study as soon as possible and a Rural Residential Study subsequent to this.
c. Adopt the Vegetation Protection Overlay Schedule 2 (VPO2) as revised by the Panel.
d. Abandon the following elements of Part 2 Amendment C26:
i. Proposed additional Industrial 1 Zone land in the North Wangaratta Industrial Estate.
ii. Proposed Rural Living Zone between Milawa and Oxley townships.
4. Report back to Council once the further work outlined above is progressed and outcomes known. This may include abandonment of the proposed rezonings in Milawa, Oxley and Glenrowan. DRAFT SIGNAGE POLICY FOR WANGARATTA INDOOR SPORTS & AQUATIC CENTRERecommendation:That the advertising signage policy applicable to the Wangaratta Indoor Sports and Aquatic Centre be endorsed by Council. NORTH EAST GREENHOUSE ALLIANCERecommendation:That Council join the North East Greenhouse Alliance as a member and authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of Council when it is finalised by the Alliance. CONTRACT 0506/023 JOINT LIBRARY DEVELOPMENTRecommendation:1. That Contract C0405/023 agreement with Southwell Constructions Pty Ltd, Wangaratta for the final detailed design and undertaking to construct the proposed joint Community and Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE library at Docker Street, Wangaratta for a revised lump sum price of $3,711,183.00 (inclusive of GST) be accepted.
2. That the contract documents for Contract C0405/023 be signed and sealed at the appropriate stage of the meeting. VICTORIAN LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY ACCORDRecommendation:That the Wangaratta Rural City Council participate in the Victorian Sustainability Accord by signing a standard Accord resolution. WANGARATTA SHOWGROUNDS SPECIAL COMMITTEERecommendation:1. That the resignation of Mr Laurie Johnston from the Wangaratta Showgrounds Special Committee be received and that Mr Johnstone be thanked for his contribution to the Committee.
2. That Council appoint Mr Graeme Gregory representing the Wangaratta Umpires Board Inc as a member of the Wangaratta Showgrounds Special Committee for the term ending 30 June, 2006.