VicHealth funding for the Benalla electorate
The Nationals Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes, today congratulated sporting clubs in the Benalla Electorate on their success in gaining funding from the 2007/08 VicHealth Active Clubs Grants Program.
Dr Sykes said one practical way to increase participation is to provide small grants for equipment and training, because we know that a lack of these resources can stop clubs from offering their activities to as many people as they would like.
“This year there were approximately 1,180 applications received from sporting clubs across Victoria, and the VicHealth program will provide $1.2 million in grants this year to 622 sporting clubs and community organisations.
“It is pleasing to see that 21 sporting clubs in the Benalla Electorate were successful in securing a total of $39,107 in funding.
Avenel Bowling Club $2,439
Euroa Football Netball Club $90
Tabilk Junior Football Club $2,460
Nagambie Tennis Club Inc $1,850
Benalla Rovers Soccer Club $1,630
Benalla Netball Association $2,050
Benalla Little Athletics $1,565
Benalla Lawn Tennis $960
Benalla Gardens Tennis Club $2,150
Alexandra Football & Netball Club $947
Eildon District Pistol Club $600
Eildon Amateur Swimming Club $2,000
Mount Beauty Cricket Club $2,500
Alpine U3A Inc $2,430
Myrtleford Football Club $1,500
Myrtleford Pony Club Inc $2,450
Delatite Cricket Club $2,500
Guides Victoria Mansfield $2,500
Mansfield Bowls Club Inc $2,500
MACE – Mansfield, Seniors Table Tennis $1,731
Mansfield Swimming Club $2,255
Dr Sykes concluded, “I congratulate these clubs on their applications for funding and I encourage all sporting organisations to watch the VicHealth website for further funding opportunities”.